We returned from a trip to Laos, where we sowed the Word of God and met with brothers and sisters in Christ. We prepared for the trip for two months and constantly faced trials. Initially, there was one team, but participants changed, and in the end, those who wanted to go didn’t, but other brothers and sisters did: “Many plans are in a person’s heart, but only what the Lord determines will happen” (Proverbs 19:21).

We bought food and gifts on the border, printed calendars and brochures, and crossed the pedestrian border with this baggage. Laos is the poorest country with a Communist-type People’s Revolutionary Party. In some districts, celebrating Christmas is prohibited this year. For this reason, we secretly put on masks in certain churches. The first church greeted us with a song, but we didn’t see joy because life in Laos is poor, people are exhausted (skinny), and it was very difficult to share His Word, knowing that they were all hungry. Giving gifts and food while looking at their faces, we rarely saw joy. In another area, it was a bit easier. The house of prayer was festively decorated, and it was clear that the brothers and sisters were preparing to celebrate. We could bless a particularly needy part of the church with you. We then arrived in one village where they had just started holding meetings, blessed them, and shared His Word. Finally, the Lord blessed us with a church full of joy and celebration. We shared our testimony, sang, prayed, and distributed food packages and gifts to those in need. Thank you for supporting us in this ministry!
Ministry in Vietnam – Sasha & Ira Kulpin