In Kazakhstan, I bore witness in one church about the ministry in Vietnam, calling for prayer and partnership in God’s work. As the meeting ended, Sasha – a friend’s wife – approached me and said, “Your testimony deeply touched my heart, and now what should I do?” The Lord gave me words, and I told her, “Remember the parable of the prodigal son. He wasted all his inheritance, found himself in need, and remembered that even the Father’s hired servants had an abundance. But he didn’t just think about it; he got up and went to the Father. You need to do the same, go and fulfill the Father’s will.”

We prayed, and two days later, Sasha and Grigory wrote to me: “We need to meet.” I went to their home, and Sasha shared this story. They had saved money to buy a car, enlisted all their acquaintances to find a good vehicle. This Sunday, while I was preaching, her brother called and said he had found a good car; they just needed to make the payment, and the car would be theirs. At this point, God once again told Sasha, “Are you going to exchange Me for this piece of metal?” Grigory didn’t know that the car had already been found. Sasha asked her husband what to do, and apparently, he had the same thoughts and concerns. Without coordinating their responses, he told her, “We need to go to Vietnam.” Their testimony greatly inspired me.

Today, they are preparing for a mission in Vietnam, with our support. Starting in October, we will continue our work in Vietnam. Dear ones, please support us in prayer. Together, we can accomplish much!
Ministry in Vietnam, Sasha & Ira Kulpin.