Grace and peace to you, dear friends, brothers, and sisters, may they multiply. Recently, we had the opportunity to reach new areas for evangelism. This is 70 kilometers from where we live, near a Christian family from the Raglai tribe, whom we are teaching to observe the Scriptures. As it is written, not everywhere are we accepted, but where we are welcomed, God performs miracles. And so, we have now found two families to share the Gospel with. They live very poorly in the forested mountains. There is nothing in their home; they cook soup over a fire, sleep on the floor, and eat on the floor as well. We prayed with them, and then an insight came to us. When we visited our believing family, we told them that they could go to these people and tell them about Christ and what He has done for them. Our believers began to think deeply about it, and we prayed together. They live very humbly. For example, our brother, who is a leper (without both legs), receives a pension of 24 dollars, 8 of which he pays for utilities, leaving him 16 dollars for food.

We ask you to support us in prayer for this ministry to these people. We sincerely thank you for your labor of love and prayers. May Jesus Christ be glorified abundantly in your life.

Ministry in Vietnam – Sasha & Irina Kulpin