Dear Church! We are very grateful for being with us on this part of the World by prayers and your support! Because of God’s grace, we can witness these blessings:
“I will go to Heaven!” – was a very sure answer from a 10-year-old boy. Why do you think this way? we asked him. “Because I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Who came to this World and died for my sin. And he continued with the whole Gospel in his own words. When he finished, he said: “Do you know who told me about Jesus? P’Kig, my Sunday school teacher!” He was so excited and sure in his words.

Our Sunday school is not the only place where children learn about Christ. God opened the doors in the public school where children and teachers can learn more about God each week. From the first time when we talked about God the Creator and Jesus, His Son, we saw that this news was completely unfamiliar to them, and now we see that there is more understanding in what we are talking about. “Thank you very much for coming here, we are waiting for you and happy when you are here” – were the words of the children. Teachers are sending their greetings to everyone who made it possible for their children to learn English and hear about God. Every single day we can openly present the truth of the Bible! Thank God for these opportunities. Thank you for your prayers, because God gives us strength and joy and doing this, also our local youth encouraged to help in sharing the Gospel.

God is also really working in the hearts of our youth: “I want to be a pastor and open a church up in the mountains where there are no Christians” – said one of our young boys. This desire is not normal for a boy, who is growing in a non-Christian family and in the culture where all expectations to provide a house and car for the family, are put on the son. But God can do miracles and he is the One who gives the desire.
Please continue to pray for
1. Us to have wisdom in sharing the Gospel
2. The dry season didn’t start yet, but we already lacking in water and many people need to go to the river to wash their clothes or bring water for their families
3. Our youth to grow in the Faith and stay firm in the truth
4. Please pray for God to send us a helper in teaching children for this May – July
Many blessings to every one of you!
Avoda ministry in Thailand – San and Anita