The Lord prompted my heart to describe the life of Vladimir, he is 61 years old. We met him on Christmas Eve in 2017. We were on our way to the worship service, and suddenly we saw a man crawling along the road. We stopped and picked him up. He was crawling because he had lost both legs after a car accident in 2016. As we found out later, he was crawling to the railway, where he wanted to commit suicide. The Lord destroyed the plans of the enemy and he didn’t do it. In the accident, Vladimir not only lost his legs, but also all his documents were burned at the same time.

He comes from the Donetsk region and because of the conflict, everything is destroyed there, and the requests sent to the archives remain unanswered. This is how he lives – without legs, documents, and pension. All that remains is, to trust in the grace of the Lord and the sacrificial hearts of His children. Once every 2 months, we need to take him to a paid clinic for examinations and to pump up fluids that have been built up from the patella. Vladimir needs a wheelchair or protheses, in addition to this a monthly medicine expense. He needs bandages, ointments and pills but without documents, none of this can be obtained for free.

When he began to live with us, he was a very rude and was disappointed in people, refused to receive help and lived with the idea of ​​dying. But today, Christ is changing his heart, and he is already beginning to invoke the Name of the Lord in prayers.

Vladimir and all 19 people living here (9 of them are disabled and many have similar stories) are very grateful for your participating in the life of the “Bethesda”.

Ministry in Bethesda – Evgeny Volkov