This year, our congregation put on a Christmas performance with a large number of musical elements and songs, all aimed at glorifying the newborn Christ. The essence of the performance was the idea that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Messiah, and it is important for the born Savior to always be the center of this holiday.

At the scheduled time for the performance, the House of Prayer was filled with people who had received invitations. Believers were eager to bring someone they knew. This time, many people who had never entered the House of Prayer before came. We had been inviting many of them for a long time, but only now did they respond to the invitation. We intentionally oriented the performance not only for children but also for families. Therefore, as they say, “both old and young” came to the celebration.

The hall, which accommodates 80 people, was overcrowded, and those who arrived later had to watch the performance from standing positions. The performance lasted just over an hour, and the time passed unnoticed, with the emotional connection between the performers and the audience felt throughout the evening. The climax of the performance was the distribution of the long-awaited gifts.

Ministry in Omsk – Evgeny Kubrin