Hope for Ukraine
Latest updates
Lviv – Children’s Room!
A brief update on the situation in Ukraine and our ministry. This week, there were terrible missile attacks on major Ukrainian cities—Odesa, Sumy, and Poltava. Russian forces are also close to capturing two major cities in eastern Ukraine (Sloviansk and Kramatorsk). Because of this, new refugees continue to arrive in our region.
Lviv — 3000 Gifts!
God is good and protects us. That’s why we continue our ministry. We are starting a Christmas gift project, and our goal is to distribute 3000 gifts to refugees and their children. Please pray for this project. We plan not only to distribute gifts but also to hold meetings where people can learn about our faith.
Lviv — Winter is Coming
As the situation in eastern Ukraine grows more severe and the Russian army continues to try to seize new territories, refugees continue to arrive in our city. It’s already November, the weather is very cold, and people are in need of warm clothing. Our humanitarian hub is engaged in distributing clothes and shoes.
Lviv — Over 1,000 People in Need
Winter is approaching, and a major need for refugees is warm clothing. I reached out to several organizations requesting assistance, and, thank God, we received a large quantity of items. Every day, we invite refugees to come and pick up the clothing they need, all provided and distributed free of charge.
Lviv — God Blesses!
We held a children’s camp, and God brought 55 children to us! The kids felt the atmosphere of God’s love and heard the Gospel! Everything went great, and we are so happy! Thank you for your prayers!
Ukraine – pain for the homeland
My soul is shaken. I feel deep pain watching what is happening to my country. The war continues. Every day, a huge number of Ukrainians die. I was just informed that another brother from our community has died. A young man. He has a wife and 3 children. Now they are orphans.
Ukraine — People in Despair!
The situation with electricity is becoming more and more difficult. In eastern Ukraine, there has been no electricity for several days. Russia continues to bomb power stations in our region. Because of this, we experience daily power outages for several hours
Lviv — Ruslan is in Eternity…
I am very grateful for your prayers, which are desperately needed during this terrible time. In the photo, you see our brother Ruslan, a young man who came to believe in God at our refugee shelter. He was baptized, and we witnessed his active spiritual growth with great joy. Afterward, he became a soldier
Lviv – 2 years of destruction
2 years of war – 2 years of destruction. The situation in Lviv is stable. Air raids occur on average 2-3 times a week. The most difficult situation is in Dnipro and Odessa. There are frequent rocket attacks and explosions in the city. My family and church are fine. There’s a lot of work, but that’s good.
Lviv – We are building a shelter!
This ministry is a marathon. It’s a run without an end. The war doesn’t end. It’s a big disappointment. But we continue to fight. And the next 3 days our church will fast and pray for peace for Ukraine. Please remember us in your prayers. Also, people who need our help don’t end. It’s very cold -17 degrees Celsius (1 Fahrenheit) at night.
The most unusual Christmas
This is the most unusual Christmas in my life. There are 50 refugees living in my church. Every day we dig a bomb shelter. 8 million Ukrainian refugees have left the country, including many of my friends. More than 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers (young men) have died.
Kyiv – 75 drone attack
At the end of November, 75 drones attacked the capital of Ukraine. We need prayers every day. Your prayers are a shield that protects us. We have also started building a bomb shelter in the church building. It’s a difficult but very necessary task. We also need prayers and support for the implementation of the security project for our shelter.
Lviv – two more rooms!
Air raid sirens again. Each day the shelling becomes more intense. This means that we need to work harder. I am pleased to report that this week we finished renovating two rooms for refugees, and the consultant’s office and the children’s class are ready for service. This is another victory for us.
Lviv – the war continues
Today, our city came under drone attacks. No one could sleep. Drones flew over my daughter’s house, and the explosions were heard very close. People are in fear. We are powerless against drone attacks and cannot protect our children. Our only hope is in God! Your prayers are very much needed!
Lviv – starting from scratch!
My name is Natalia, and my husband, our daughter, and I came from Volchansk, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. We left our occupied home into the unknown of western Ukraine, a place we had never been before. Here, we have to start life anew. It’s scary, everything is uncertain, what will happen next?
Lviv – Sheltered 5000!
I am very grateful for your prayers. Every day we witness miracles. We resemble the disciples of Jesus who saw 5000 people and didn’t know how to help them. And then Jesus performed a miracle.
We are a very small church. We have absolutely no resources,
Lviv – God will grant repentance
This week we had the graduation of our training course “Rehabilitation of War Victims.” It is a great joy to see the eyes of people filled with hope. Their lives were destroyed by war, and now they are beginning a new stage. It is a great joy that this is happening with our help.
Lviv – providing work
here were incredibly busy days. We have many people and g problems with electricity and it’s becoming very cold, especially in Eastern Ukraine. Please pray that we can continue our ministry. The sewing workshop is under repair. We already have our first mentor and first sewing machine. Please pray that we can start our small project for shelters.
Lviv – pray for us!
I prayed with the man (in the photo). He’s a refugee from Soledar. He spoke about the horrible destruction and the many people killed, including his neighbors and close friends. This man miraculously survived. God gave him the opportunity to know Jesus and also gave me the privilege to preach the Gospel to him.
Life conquers death!
This is a tragedy that the devil has created in Ukraine. This is spiritual warfare. But the blows of Jesus are stronger than the blows of Satan. When I preached this week, we saw a record number of repentances. In just one service, about 15 refugees believed in Jesus! I heard prayers. I saw tears. I see how life conquers death.
Evacuation from Mariupol
An old father and his son from Mariupol (on the right in the photo) got to Rivne. A year before the war, the son began to create an emergency suitcase: freeze-dried food, blankets, a rope, a portable burner and other things useful for survival. That is why at every checkpoint they were stopped and confused with a saboteur.
Evacuation from Chernihiv
Lyudmila, her daughter and nine-year-old granddaughter Arina came from Chernihiv. Both women are widows with no one to take care of them. At first they didn’t wanted to leave because they thought it would all be over soon. Then they heard that refugees were being killed, so they were very careful.
Hope to People in Ukraine
Dear friends! Thank you for your tireless prayers! Recently we have seen missile strikes not only on military targets, but on civilians, destroying cities and homes. The city of Kharkiv suffers especially. There are cities where people are without water, electricity, food, and heat.