Melnikov Ministry
Our latest updates
Omsk – Oncology Ward
I understand that nothing is impossible for God, and He can heal instantly. I desire to grow in this ministry. But for people to trust us and turn to us, we need to take action and be involved in their lives. Jesus said, “Let Your will be done, not mine.” We do not know who will be healed or when, but we pray for the children in faith.
Omsk – 600 Gifts Distributed
Many people have heard that Jesus was born, but they don’t understand what it means and how this event affects their lives! We decided to use this time and worked hard during the Christmas holidays.
Omsk – And Again, Christmas!
Christmas is a time when people’s hearts are open to the Gospel! In our ministry to children, we try to use this time effectively, stocking up on gifts and literature about the birth of the Savior, and people are happy to talk and listen during Christmas Eve.
Omsk – Words of Gratitude
Every day I hear words of gratitude from the parents of the children you help, and I see the eyes of children when they are in great pain, but we are there with them.
Currently, we have a special prayer for Karina and Dinara, two girls who are preparing for bone marrow transplants.
Omsk — A Meaningful Life!
This month, we visited three orphanages and organized three gatherings for orphanage graduates at neutral locations in the city. We are mentoring over thirty children who have graduated and remain connected with us. We assist them in studying, earning money, and managing their finances while providing guidance and mentorship.
Omsk – They Are Learning to Believe
This month has been filled with joyful events as well as challenging situations. Our friend Saveliy was baptized and immediately joined a mission team. He can’t keep silent; he shares about Christ with everyone he meets and tells his testimony.
Omsk – God Heals Children
Recently, I have witnessed how God miraculously heals children through our prayers. This month, we visited orphanages, paying special attention to graduates. Currently, we are supporting thirty-seven young people who have graduated and are eager to connect with us and seek help.
Omsk — Lera Went to our Father
We organized a big celebration on Children’s Day, June 1st. Over the summer, new graduates from orphanages arrived, and we are actively communicating and working together. Working with children transitioning to adulthood is, in our view, the most important and challenging task.
Omsk — His Dream is Coming True!
Our most joyous news is the successful discharge of Artemiy from the hospital. We have been accompanying him for two years while he was undergoing treatment at the oncology center for leukemia. We faced various stages in his treatment. There was a time when his mother asked me to pray for his healing.
Omsk – Works of Mercy!
Today, acts of mercy are the most effective way to spread the Gospel, and only someone who has experienced the Lord’s mercy can truly be merciful. Our team continues to visit pediatric oncology wards, hospices, and orphanages for disabled children, where a total of over 300 children reside.
Times when we are needed
Greetings, brothers and sisters! I want to tell you how God works among vulnerable children and how we can participate in this work. Our team visited four children’s homes and spent wonderful time with the children. We cooked food, played sports games, and had interesting discussions with them.
Omsk – preparing for baptism!
It is a great joy to give oneself to children, to be with them, and to share everything you have! I sincerely thank you for the opportunity to serve them!
Lisa has reached St. Petersburg, and she is being prepared for a bone marrow transplant. Our ministry continues, and we visited three children’s homes, a hospice, and paid special attention to pediatric oncology.
Omsk – We brought Them Joy!
Our team experienced significant blessings during the Christmas holiday! We greeted about 500 children in various places, including orphanages, hospitals, and hospices. Particularly valuable was our venture this year with a puppet theater, allowing children to see a Christmas story performance of this kind for the first time.
Omsk – Back in the Oncology Hospital
I want to share about what we are experiencing together with the parents and children in their difficult fates. This month, two children passed away. Anya was 11 years old, and she did not return from St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant. Her body couldn’t cope, and her organs failed.
Omsk – Graduates into Life!
Greetings to you, brothers and sisters! The ministry of mercy and care for children continues successfully. The number of children in need is increasing. When you see the need, you want to help everyone, comfort everyone, and heal everyone. We understand that we can pray for everyone, but can only help a few.
Omsk – You are the best guests!
We continue to develop ministries for children facing difficult circumstances and see a tremendous need and blessing. We want to convey a huge thank you for your prayers and financial assistance! This month has been particularly busy as more than 30 children were admitted to oncology and hospice care.
Omsk – Always in Touch!
Jesus not only practices mercy but is Himself merciful, and that’s why His actions and deeds are merciful. Serving children greatly helps to instill this virtue and enables them to experience these feelings and transform them into character.
I received a letter from the father of a child we worked with two years ago
Omsk – Lera’s condition has improved!
I am happy to share some news with you about our work with children at risk. On June 1st, which was Children’s Day, we were able to reach out to 400 children in various places: orphanages, pediatric oncology, hospices, and homes for disabled children. We spent quality time with them, gave gifts, played games, and had heart-to-heart conversations.
Omsk – Dasha in the hospice!
Greetings, brothers and sisters! Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This means that when we give, we receive true joy and fulfillment through serving others, and ultimately, serving God.
I am grateful to God for revealing this simple truth, and I want to share the blessings
Omsk – Do What You Can!
Graduates from orphanages, twenty people, came to our Christian base in the village for three days. We had a very good time with them, and the children attended the meetings and all the events. We also visited the orphanages and spent time with our friends. In the past month, we received twenty children, all of them are small abandoned children.
Omsk – Deeds of Mercy!
I express my immense gratitude to you, and Glory to God, for the dozens of children’s destinies in which we have taken part and witnessed God’s miracles with our own eyes. At the moment, Lera has been discharged from oncology and is going to a children’s home
Omsk – Christmas with children
We talked about Christmas to many people and over 500 children received gifts and participated in the celebration! At the oncology hospital, we held a puppet show and sang songs about the birth of Jesus with children and their parents, and the medical staff was also...
Praying that the child will survive
The will of God for us personally is to be close to children who are scared, hurt and lonely. Recently, I often see how the word of God is “a cheerful heart is good as medicine” is being fulfilled. Every time we visit children in a hospice, oncology, orphanage, children run to a meeting and it seems that their hearts rejoice.
Omsk – Work of Mercy!
I speak with a lot of people in the remaining days and hours of their lives. This changes their whole worldview and makes them change priorities in life. Those who accept it live the words of Christ: “Seek before the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and it will all be added to you.”
Omsk – work with children!
Recently, a father of a boy wrote me and began to simply to thank me for everything he felt and how badly he needed support 3 years ago. Back then we accompanied them to St Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. When I read the message I cried and rejoiced,
Omsk – Our Dear children
This month we organized a charity concert and leaders of orphanages, children's oncology, and children's hospice were invited. They expressed gratitude for our input in the nurture and formation of children. The most important thing we were able to give them was the...
Omsk – Leras mother broke down
We have been participating in life of children who are admitted to a pediatric Oncology, a hospice and four orphanages. The more we are open and help people, the more they are willing share their pain with us. I want to say thank you from every child and from me,
Omsk – become our father!
At the beginning of March, my team and I drove to an orphanage in the village of Muromtsevo. My eldest daughter Olga was with me and there I was asked to speak with a nine-year-old girl. She sat down on my knees and immediately began to ask: “Sasha, take us to your home, my younger brother Ruslan and an older brother Alex.
Back in St. Petersburg
I am sure that all of us get great pleasure from the ministry to sick children and their families. We have a unique opportunity to do what Jesus did. Today He does it through us! A month ago, Lera began to feel bad so she and her mother were urgently sent to St. Petersburg,
Christmas in orphanages!
Christmas is always a reason to be joyful to those who experienced Jesus, and a reason to share the good news with people who live next to us. I’m in charge of the Mercy Ministry in our church. We as a team care about people, who are in need. We take care of widows, disabled people, and children at risk.
Children with cancer
We have been helping families who are undergoing treatment in St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant. We are especially involved in the fate of Lera and her mother Masha. They had a very difficult situation
Amanzhol is already with God
I am very glad to inform you that Lera and Masha went from St. Petersburg to Omsk after painful and long procedures. They have overcome the crisis and will be under the supervision of our doctors, this is a small victory to us, thank God. They are very grateful for your prayers and support.
Lera – readjusting to life
Despite the fact that we cannot have direct contact with children, we found a way to take care of them. This requires more finances and we need to be more creative. In orphanages – we help with groceries and the purchase of educational equipment.
Omsk – help for Lera
We are paying special attention to Masha and her daughter Lera. On June 29th, Lera underwent a bone marrow transplant in St. Petersburg, and she is still under the serious supervision of doctors in the ICU. We remember how we were helping Wova and Misha but their bodies could not cope with the pressure.
Omsk – Sincere people
Sometimes I wonder why I stayed in the church, and I understand that it was thanks to the people who came to me. They were sincere and good to me. I saw Jesus in them. This is very important because our ministry is more deeds than words.
Omsk – Difficult Times
We are having difficult times, and with self-isolation, there are benefits and disadvantages. The benefit is that people have become more sensitive and more inclined towards the Gospel. My team and I took this opportunity and delivered food packages and medicine to families in need.
Omsk – being kind
want to thank you for participating in the ministry of sick children, their mothers, widows, and orphans. Because of the pandemic epidemic, three families are in St. Petersburg and cannot leave to Omsk. Their children are diagnosed with leukemia underwent a bone marrow surgery and we cannot visit them,
Dasha was sent to the hospice
Brothers and sisters, I welcome you! I am very glad that we are participating in the spreading of the Gospel, helping people in their grief. We are currently paying special attention to two families – this is Anastasiya with Dasha and Ulyana with Savelya.
Savelya will be operated
Our whole team thank you for the opportunity that you give us through your prayers and donations. Jesus says: “since you did this to one of My brothers, you did to Me.” Children who are terminally ill listen to the Gospel and receive salvation in Christ
Christmas and our heroes!
In Russia, we have the privilege of celebrating Christmas twice on the 25th of December, and on January 7th. My team and I handed out 900 gifts. We had a Christmas play for children, and we performed it seven times in different places.
We fight for the life of Dasha
The grace of God is above us, and we are among those who can help people in need. I want to send you greetings from Anastasia and her daughter Dasha. They are in difficult
We celebrate Christmas
We thank the Lord and you our friends for the great opportunity to serve together for the glory of God. By His grace we prepared the Christmas holiday for the children in Omsk.
Sasha’s Health is improving
We all prayed and participated in the fate of Sasha Starovoitova, a child whom our friends adopted at the age of 6 months and three months later they discovered that he has cancer in both eyes.
Dashas condition is serious but stable!
I want to convey greetings from Anastasia and Dasha, they are now in a clinic in St. Petersburg. Dasha had an operation on her head and a drainage was installed so that the fluid would come out
Dasha is on the way to St. Petersburg!
Dasha has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and there were complications on the brain, she slowly began to die. Then she was operated several times and now the situation has stabilized.
Dasha is in Serious Condition
I want to express my gratitude for your desire to help children. Dasha, about whom I already previously wrote, is in serious condition, she had another operation on her head
Dasha needs our help!
Recently, new opportunities have opened up to participate in the lives of children with blood cancer. We have became participants in this process more than three years ago.
Children’s Day Celebration
We and the team visited two orphanages and a children’s hospital on children’s celebration day. More than 100 children received gifts and love.
Why did Daniel die in the house?
Thank you for your kindness! We continue to communicate with Katya and her son Misha. Her emotional state is much better, Katya wants to live and no longer blames herself for the death of her son.
Katya lost her son Daniel
A few weeks ago, a woman asked us to help her friend. I contacted her by phone and was shocked by what I heard. On February 28, a fire broke out and Daniel, a boy six years old, died in the fire.
Omsk – Testimony of life
Greetings to you brothers and sisters! I want to share with you the story of one girl. Twelve months ago, she called and asked if I could help
Joy in sorrow and grief!
We celebrate Christmas from the 25th of December to the 7th of January and we spent Christmas in the orphanage with the children.
No tumor was found!
Greetings brothers and sisters! I can’t wait to share the news with you. There is an answer to our prayers and participation.
Doctors are fighting for Alex’s eye!
In early October, I flew to Moscow to visit Eugene and Rita with their adopted son Alex. He has been on treatment for three months
How we were asked to adopt Alex
Greetings from Eugene and Rita and their baby Alex who is doing better. He received laser treatment on the tumor.
Alex needs a surgery on his eye
I met Eugene and Rita in 2017 when we moved the ministry in Omsk. They were one of the first married couples with whom I started the premarital counseling.
Christmas – the Hope of Life
Greetings to you my brothers and sisters, I wish everybody a Merry Christmas. This is a very important event every year that we celebrate.
When children suffer from cancer
Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters! Voloda’s mother, Svetlana, is sending regards and a heartfelt gratitude to you.