Greetings dear brothers and sisters! I would like to thank you all for your prayers and thank our Lord for His great works here in Vietnam. Our Lord blessed us with the opportunity to visit the city hospital almost every Sunday now, where we tell people of God’s love, give them a Bible verse of encouragement, and pray for them.
At first, we told the people in the hospital in Vietnamese that Jesus loves them and would ask them if they would like us to pray for them. Now, people start asking us on their own if we may pray for them, and we saw that as a working hand of God, praise and glory be to Him! Yet, we still come across those who ask us not to pray and to leave them alone, and I would like to share one of those moments with you.
We came into a room once and as we walked up to the beds, we asked if we may pray for the sick and couple of them agreed, so we prayed. Then as we came to the very far back corner, we saw a man in his bed who was fully immobile, and a family relative was feeding him from a spoon. When he saw us, he shook his head wildly and tried to scream so we would leave but all that came out of his mouth was whisper. Each week patients changed, this same man was always in the far back corner, lying in bed and would have his head covered with a blanket when we came and prayed for people in the beds next to him.
Over a month later, we came into this same room as usual and prayed for the people in the beds near him, but this time during our conversation with patients in that room, I heard someone whisper in a hoarse voice, “amen…amen…” and as I looked toward the sound I saw him looking at us and with all might as loud as he could, he was whispering the only word that is pronounced same in Russian, English and Vietnamese when we pray. Not knowing how to get our attention he tried as hard as he can to call us by saying ‘amen.’ We came to him and asked if he would like as to pray for him, and he nodded excitedly, and though we prayed in Russian, since we don’t speak Vietnamese yet, when we told him the phrase in Vietnamese “Chúa Giêsu yêu bạn (Jesus loves you),” he started repeating over and over again the name of Jesus: “Chúa Giêsu…Chúa Giêsu…” For us, right away came to mind the verse from Acts 2:21 “…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” and we praise our Lord for letting us be witnesses to His great works within the hearts of others! Please continue to pray with us for this man, and may God bless you all!
Ministry in Vietnam – Tatyana Yevstratenko