Precious friends, brothers and sisters. Again we move from community to community, talking about the wondrous deeds of God, calling for a mission and looking for co-workers in the cause of God. This time we drove 2500 miles and visited the churches of Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Ufa. In Novosibirsk, three young guys (25-30 years old) began to pray that they would go on a short-term mission. We support in prayer, their names are Andrey, Tatiana and Oidin.
In the capital of Bashkortostan – Ufa, the Lord gave us two men, with whom we spent two days talking about the mission in Southeast Asia. It was evident that the brothers were on fire, and they were very interested in our ministry.

In some places, the Lord touched the people in a special way, from how other peoples live, having no electricity, water, gas and other means to which we are accustomed today. Some have even repented from the murmuring that arises in their lives. Decided not to wait, we went to rehabilitation centers and told about the Lord and His miraculous deeds, recalled that once we were in bondage to sin, but the Lord had mercy, granting us freedom.
I took my brother with me on the trip, who was visiting us in Vietnam. He participated in the ministry. He came here to be on vacation with his wife, but and instead of vacation, he worked for the Lord for two weeks, and when leaving he and his wife flew on the wings of God’s love.
Thank God, today their relationship is restored. Support Gennady and Olya in prayer. Thank you for your never ending prayers!
Ministry in Vietnam – A&I Kulpin