More than two years ago, we met Yum, a Vietnamese. She speaks Russian and considers herself a Buddhist but is open to the Word of God. We gathered in her office, prayed, and read the Bible. Yum even went with us on our mercy ministry. In 2019, she married a Russian man, Alexander. We also began to read the Bible with him. 4 months ago, they had a daughter – Angelica. The other day Alexander came up to me and says: “Can Angelica be baptized?” I explained to him that baptism should happen at the will of the person who is being baptized and showed him in the Scripture that the Lord blesses children and prays over them. Now we will pray and bless their daughter in church. Please pray for this family.

During the quarantine, God gives us a special ministry. We go to people’s homes because they are afraid to come to church. We sow the Word of God and baptize the believers. Today we have 13 families in fellowship and 20 more people of unbelievers who accept the Word of God. The Lord constantly adds saved people to the church.
Dear friends, thank you for your work, love, prayers, and support. We are grateful and pray for you.
Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander Kulpin