Dear friends, brothers and sisters! I thank the Lord for answering our prayers, because by revealing our desires and dreams before the Lord, He fulfills them according to His will. With the blessing of the church and my wife, I went on a two-month missionary trip to Vietnam.
I haven’t been here for a whole year for a number of reasons. Everything has changed and is changing daily. But the Lord blesses His children, and He does it abundantly. On Sunday my my brother in Christ, Shonny and I traveled to a remote province, he is my translator, where the Raglai tribe lives. With the help of the local church, we preached and distributed snacks to children (about 300 children). Then we visited especially 10 poor families and distributed food, told the Gospel, sang and prayed for the sick. Thank God.

The tribe lives very poorly, they cook on a fire, take water from a stream, not everywhere is is electricity. When we visited the families in which we have been serving for 4 years, we had wonderful and joyful meetings of love.
We thank the Lord for your blessings and participation in the work of the gospel. May the Lord open His good treasury to bless all the works of your hands!
Ministry in Vietnam – A. Kulpin