Project Updates
Omsk – Oncology Ward
I understand that nothing is impossible for God, and He can heal instantly. I desire to grow in this ministry. But for people to trust us and turn to us, we need to take action and be involved in their lives. Jesus said, “Let Your will be done, not mine.” We do not know who will be healed or when, but we pray for the children in faith.
Bethesda – For Special Children!
From joy and happiness, we want to sing, exalt, and glorify our Heavenly Father—the One who, through the prayers of the saints, has opened the doors of a boarding school for children with disabilities.
For several years, we prayed for this miracle—and the Lord has made it happen! The doors of the school have opened, and they are happy to welcome us.
Vietnam – The Harvest is Plentiful!
We urgently share with you our prayer request, which cries out from our hearts. We believe that whatever we ask in His name, we will receive. We trust in the power of prayer, and a “cord of three strands” is a rope reaching to Heaven.
Our ministry is expanding, and opportunities to bring more fruit to Him are multiplying—especially in children’s ministry. The work is there, and it can grow, but we lack a dedicated, responsible person who would wholeheartedly commit to it.
Lebanon – In Their Native Language
I have great expectations for 2025 and believe that the Lord has something special in store for Lebanon and all who live here. This month has been filled with events, meetings, and opportunities to serve people.
One of the most joyful moments was the visit of a family couple.
Thailand – Camp on Wheels
Camp ministry is a unique way to impact lives, share the Gospel, and equip the next generation. Through this ministry, children and youth hear about Jesus from their friends, breaking the misconception that faith in Christ is something foreign. They see and feel Christ’s love through familiar voices, relatable stories, and in their native language.
Lviv – Children’s Room!
A brief update on the situation in Ukraine and our ministry. This week, there were terrible missile attacks on major Ukrainian cities—Odesa, Sumy, and Poltava. Russian forces are also close to capturing two major cities in eastern Ukraine (Sloviansk and Kramatorsk). Because of this, new refugees continue to arrive in our region.
PNG – In Prison!
We were able to visit the prison several times again and share the Gospel. It is amazing how hungry people are for God’s Word, especially when they are in confinement.
As seen in the photo, the conditions in which people are held while awaiting trial are simply inhumane.
Omsk – 600 Gifts Distributed
Many people have heard that Jesus was born, but they don’t understand what it means and how this event affects their lives! We decided to use this time and worked hard during the Christmas holidays.
Lebanon – Gifts for Refugees
For Christmas, we made another trip to Lebanon! During the war and unrest, the people of Lebanon are facing great difficulties. Currently, they are without electricity, water, and communication. All of Lebanon, especially the city of Tyre, has been bombed by Israel due to the hostile group Hezbollah, which is hostile toward Israel.
Bethesda – Photo on the Calendar
In the last two months of the outgoing 2024 year, our team has done a great deal of work: Christmas performances were held, gifts, calendars, and, of course, the great joy was proclaimed: “…today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”
Vietnam – Joy for Children!
For Christmas, we visited Laos, distributing printed materials such as calendars, brochures, and postcards. We served the poor lepers and sent money to the family of a missionary who was recently killed for his faith. We also purchased construction sets and t-shirts for the children’s ministry.
Word of Truth – Celebration!
This year, our congregation put on a Christmas performance with a large number of musical elements and songs, all aimed at glorifying the newborn Christ. The essence of the performance was the idea that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Messiah, and it is important for the born Savior to always be the center of this holiday.
Thailand – Life Has Changed
We are very happy to report that two more young people from our training center have become members of the Church and have publicly decided to follow Jesus! We are located in a mountain village where many children grow up without parents, as their parents work in large cities. This is the story of Fai and Art.
PNG – Our Day!
I’m writing this message under the steady rumble of the generator – there has been no electricity for three days, and although I try not to think about it, hearing the old machine barely drumming away, I sometimes wonder what will burn out first – the freezer, the computer, or the pump.
Uganda – School in Bidi-Bidi
I would like to sincerely thank you for standing with me in prayer for the ministry in the refugee camps of South Sudan in northern Uganda. These camps were established in 2013, right after the war broke out in Juba. Hundreds of thousands of people fled to Uganda, and we thank God that they found refuge in this country.
Thailand – A Special Gift
Recently, two young people decided to follow Jesus and publicly declared their faith through baptism. One of them shared:
“My parents separated when I was little. In my father’s new family, I didn’t feel accepted, so I moved to live with my grandfather, a well-known shaman in our village. New friends invited me to church. I liked studying English and life skills there.
Omsk – And Again, Christmas!
Christmas is a time when people’s hearts are open to the Gospel! In our ministry to children, we try to use this time effectively, stocking up on gifts and literature about the birth of the Savior, and people are happy to talk and listen during Christmas Eve.
Vietnam — Buying Gifts
Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters, grace and peace be multiplied to you! This year is more special and inspiring than ever. And, as always, we have dared in our Lord Jesus Christ to do more than before. From December 15-20, we are planning a ministry in Laos; we are printing calendars, brochures, preparing food packages
Bethesda – Ahead of Christmas
We have been praying and reflecting for a long time about the construction of a house of prayer in the village. The Lord has already met us halfway, and we have land! We are praying for the formation of a team of workers. We need sacrificial, dedicated ministers! We are also praying for the expansion of the church.
PNG — There is no road
Although the church in the village of Tombetaka has been around for about 5 years, it is only now that the Lord has allowed us to begin building a house of prayer. The village is located high in the mountains (a 3-hour steep climb), and although every time I visit I swear it will be the last, the beauty of untouched nature
Omsk – Words of Gratitude
Every day I hear words of gratitude from the parents of the children you help, and I see the eyes of children when they are in great pain, but we are there with them.
Currently, we have a special prayer for Karina and Dinara, two girls who are preparing for bone marrow transplants.
Bethesda – Don’t Leave Me
Today I want to introduce you to Andrey Afanasyev, who is 57 years old. Our first meeting with him took place just over a year ago. One day, a woman called and told us about her neighbors. The husband had suffered a stroke and was unable to care for himself, while his wife was constantly looking for alcohol
Lviv — 3000 Gifts!
God is good and protects us. That’s why we continue our ministry. We are starting a Christmas gift project, and our goal is to distribute 3000 gifts to refugees and their children. Please pray for this project. We plan not only to distribute gifts but also to hold meetings where people can learn about our faith.
Vietnam – our team
Sister Evgenia has been living in Vietnam for 8 years and has been working with us in the team for over 6 years. She is responsible for weekly women’s meetings (with up to 15 people), and she also carries out prison ministry in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, meeting with prisoners and telling them about the grace in Christ Jesus.
Thailand — A Special Gift
The journey we were privileged to undertake, spreading the Word of God, took us to remote areas of Thailand and Myanmar, where tribes and families have endured the pain of conflict and loss during the war. In these villages, children held a Bible in their native language for the first time.
Lviv — Winter is Coming
As the situation in eastern Ukraine grows more severe and the Russian army continues to try to seize new territories, refugees continue to arrive in our city. It’s already November, the weather is very cold, and people are in need of warm clothing. Our humanitarian hub is engaged in distributing clothes and shoes.
PNG — Why Did You Come?
Six hours upstream against the current of a crocodile-filled river—I barely managed to alternate between reciting Psalm 23, “You lead me beside quiet waters,” mentally humming the old hymn, “Master, the Tempest Is Raging,” and asking myself for the hundredth time whether I’d lost my mind.
Omsk — A Meaningful Life!
This month, we visited three orphanages and organized three gatherings for orphanage graduates at neutral locations in the city. We are mentoring over thirty children who have graduated and remain connected with us. We assist them in studying, earning money, and managing their finances while providing guidance and mentorship.
Children’s Ark — Hope
Hope… Isn’t it what revives us? Especially during cold and long winter evenings, it gives us strength to keep going. When parents come to visit their children, we invite them to play together in the snow—a time when they share many warm and happy moments.
Bethesda — Summer Is Over!
Our team of volunteers, representing eight congregations from the region, along with some young people who are not yet church members, conducted two family retreats. Over the two sessions this year, we hosted a total of 145 people. This year, we had a new addition to our team
Vietnam — We Have a Baptism!
We came to Vietnam to sow the Word of God among the local population, but the Lord, as it is written, blesses abundantly. He Himself has started to open up neighboring countries (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand…) for evangelism. Recently, many Russian-speaking people have also been arriving here, and we see they also need salvation.
Thailand — A New Generation
We believe that by reaching one generation for Christ and teaching them to do the same, we can change the entire history of a nation that has long worshiped ancestral spirits. God’s work is visible worldwide, and we are honored to witness His power among people who have yet to know Him.
Lviv — Over 1,000 People in Need
Winter is approaching, and a major need for refugees is warm clothing. I reached out to several organizations requesting assistance, and, thank God, we received a large quantity of items. Every day, we invite refugees to come and pick up the clothing they need, all provided and distributed free of charge.
PNG — Who Will Go?
For those who have read our book “Dreams Come True if You Believe”, you may remember our adopted son Jeremiah – a musically gifted teenager who was one of the first to join our family. This month, he and another of our adopted boys were accepted into the Discipleship Training School (DTS) at Youth With A Mission in Madang.
Tokmok — Repentance of Children
On July 24, after traveling about two thousand kilometers, we arrived in the city of Tokmok. The first thing we managed to do was help with a youth camp. There were over 40 teenagers, 90% of whom were Kyrgyz. We could only help on the first day because Yana had a toothache and sinus inflammation.
Omsk – They Are Learning to Believe
This month has been filled with joyful events as well as challenging situations. Our friend Saveliy was baptized and immediately joined a mission team. He can’t keep silent; he shares about Christ with everyone he meets and tells his testimony.
Kazakhstan — Our Student!
At one of our meetings, I met Atefa from Afghanistan, who came to study at the University. After her exams, we were able to have dinner together, and I got to know her better. She comes from a modern Afghan family that moved to Pakistan after the Taliban took control of their country
Vietnam — Two Families!
Grace and peace to you, dear friends, brothers, and sisters, may they multiply. Recently, we had the opportunity to reach new areas for evangelism. This is 70 kilometers from where we live, near a Christian family from the Raglai tribe, whom we are teaching to observe the Scriptures.
Lviv — God Blesses!
We held a children’s camp, and God brought 55 children to us! The kids felt the atmosphere of God’s love and heard the Gospel! Everything went great, and we are so happy! Thank you for your prayers!
Thailand — New Plates!
I feel powerless as I witness many of the surviving refugees, children growing up without parents, and orphans in our village. Recently, when the director of the orphanage we visit monthly asked for help to buy plates for the children, I found myself asking, “God, do You really want us to do this?”
Papua New Guinea — In the Hospital
In both the hospital and the prison, the Lord has been touching the hearts of people who joyfully accept Christ. Even more joyful is the fact that our adopted son, Cedric (who recently welcomed his second child), has joined us in this ministry. Our desire is to send him and his family to pastoral school so that he can continue his work even more effectively.
Omsk – God Heals Children
Recently, I have witnessed how God miraculously heals children through our prayers. This month, we visited orphanages, paying special attention to graduates. Currently, we are supporting thirty-seven young people who have graduated and are eager to connect with us and seek help.
Bethesda — Covenant with God!
A few days ago, three of our young men were baptized as a confirmation of their renewed lives through the risen Christ. Each of their journeys to this event is unique, long, challenging, and not easy. Yuri, 42 years old, has been with us in the shelter for 1.6 years. He was baptized and is praying to enroll in a missionary faculty.
Lebanon — God Showed Mercy
I met two girls through social media, and we often got together. I tried to be a friend to them while praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide our interactions so I could witness to them. Every time I attempted to share my faith, they listened but showed no interest
Vietnam — Studying the Bible!
The Raglai tribe (forest people), the Chunga family, and especially the sisters are thriving in their knowledge of the Word of God. They complete their homework, learn to witness, and some are doing excellently. We continue to pray fervently that through this family, a revival will begin among this ethnic minority group.
PNG — We Had a Baptism
At the beginning of this month, we were able to hold a baptism at our church, Promise Land! Many of you have read our book, “Dreams Come True If You Believe”, and now another dream of mine has come true.
Yamal — On a Dog Sled
The evangelization of non believers on the Khan side of the Yamal Peninsula has been ongoing for decades. As soon as the Iron Curtain of atheism fell, compassionate followers of Christ began to actively participate in missionary work.
St. Petersburg — Children’s Ark
Misha, Nastya, and Petya lived together in a large family and loved each other very much. Unfortunately, their parents suffered from alcohol addiction and were unable to give the children the attention and care they needed. The large family of six lived in a small room, which eventually led these three wonderful children to come to us at the “Children’s Ark.”
God is at Work!
We have witnessed an amazing transformation. A woman who was once strongly opposed to Christians, even demanding back everything she had ever given to those who became Christians, has started attending our Bible study. Remarkably, she and her husband have decided to follow Jesus and have stopped worshiping spirits.
Lebanon — God Has Shown Mercy
In previous letters, I wrote about a girl who was suspected of having cancer and asked for prayers for her. I want to share the continuation of her story. I met Natasha through social media. One day, she called me and said she was in the hospital. When I arrived to visit her,
Vietnam — We’re Looking for a Vehicle
After the summer, the rains and monsoon season will start again, and we’ve told you about our need for a means of transportation (a vehicle), for which we already have half of the funds. We still need $5,000 more. In the fall, we have planned evangelistic trips to Laos and Cambodia.
Ukraine – pain for the homeland
My soul is shaken. I feel deep pain watching what is happening to my country. The war continues. Every day, a huge number of Ukrainians die. I was just informed that another brother from our community has died. A young man. He has a wife and 3 children. Now they are orphans.
PNG – Discipleship Groups!
Our team has started 4 more Discipleship groups in prison. We are grateful to the Lord that we can serve the prisoners each week without any hindrance – providing not only spiritual food but also physical food, as the conditions in the prison leave much to be desired, and many prisoners are emaciated or ill.
Brazil – Indigenous Villages
Last week, I returned from the Amazon. Together with friends from Germany, we visited indigenous tribes and river dwellers on the Purus River. The work in Crispim, the largest indigenous settlement, is progressing particularly well. Over the past few years, we have trained several leaders there who now lead the ministry,
Ukraine – the people are suffering
It is impossible to convey the suffering and pain that the people of Ukraine have endured over the past two and a half years. Millions of lives and families shattered, hundreds of thousands dead, and every day, innocent civilians perish as homes are destroyed.
Omsk — Lera Went to our Father
We organized a big celebration on Children’s Day, June 1st. Over the summer, new graduates from orphanages arrived, and we are actively communicating and working together. Working with children transitioning to adulthood is, in our view, the most important and challenging task.
Lebanon — Bible Study!
One day, I met a woman who shared her difficulties and struggles in family life. She agreed to participate in a prayer marathon for one month, where we would call and pray together every evening. After just a few days, she shared a testimony that changes had begun in her family.
Reaching Thailand for Christ: From North to South!
Our mission to reach Thailand for Christ continues, step by step, from the North to the South. One of the ways we work toward this goal is “Camp on Wheels,” through which we conduct evangelism and discipleship training to reach children and young adults across Thailand during school breaks.
Bethesda — Tears in Their Eyes!
For the past six months, repair work has been ongoing at the shelter to improve the living conditions for those who couldn’t manage life and ended up on the streets. Of the 28 people living in the shelter today, 24 are elderly, and many of their days are numbered.
Ukraine — People in Despair!
The situation with electricity is becoming more and more difficult. In eastern Ukraine, there has been no electricity for several days. Russia continues to bomb power stations in our region. Because of this, we experience daily power outages for several hours
PNG — God Protects!
You know you’re in Papua New Guinea when, during the service, instead of choir singing, there are dances with drums, and instead of writing a check as an offering, someone brings a sack of coffee to the altar.
And to use the water pump, you first need to call all your neighbors so they can turn off their electric kettles.
Lebanon — Church School!
In the local church, I help with the school. When I began participating in this ministry, I realized the challenges faced by the local children. I want to share the story of a Syrian refugee girl in Lebanon. She is a teenager, around 15 years old.
First, a little background: In Lebanon, teachers frequently go on strike, demanding better working conditions and pay.
Omsk — His Dream is Coming True!
Our most joyous news is the successful discharge of Artemiy from the hospital. We have been accompanying him for two years while he was undergoing treatment at the oncology center for leukemia. We faced various stages in his treatment. There was a time when his mother asked me to pray for his healing.
Bethesda — 15 Disabled Individuals
Grace and peace be multiplied to you. I hasten to inform you about a great need that I recently encountered while visiting the House of Mercy “Bethesda”. The situation there requires urgent assistance, which social structures are ready to provide. From our side, we need to show these structures suitable living spaces.
Kamchatka — Everyone Was Waiting for Us!
During our trip on the Trekol to Sedanka, people invited us into their homes and asked us to visit their settlement if we passed through. True to their word, on our next trip on snowmobiles, all those who had invited us eagerly welcomed us into their homes and apartments!
Lviv — Ruslan is in Eternity…
I am very grateful for your prayers, which are desperately needed during this terrible time. In the photo, you see our brother Ruslan, a young man who came to believe in God at our refugee shelter. He was baptized, and we witnessed his active spiritual growth with great joy. Afterward, he became a soldier
PNG — God is Stronger!
A flood of sick people has overwhelmed both Grandma Sharon’s clinic and our own. The most challenging part, as it turned out, is not only diagnosing and administering the correct treatment but also convincing people that their ailments are not due to witchcraft, but real diseases that require a dose of antibiotics.
Trip to Sudan and Uganda!
On March 12, a team from various churches embarked on a mission trip to Uganda and South Sudan! For over 10 years, around 2,000,000 refugees from Sudan have been living in camps in northern Uganda. Their situation is worsening, as the monthly ration has again been reduced to 3 kg of beans and 6 kg of cornmeal.
Omsk – Works of Mercy!
Today, acts of mercy are the most effective way to spread the Gospel, and only someone who has experienced the Lord’s mercy can truly be merciful. Our team continues to visit pediatric oncology wards, hospices, and orphanages for disabled children, where a total of over 300 children reside.
Vietnam – Baptism by Faith
We have been ministering in a village located 50 km from our home, where we baptized 8 brothers and sisters from a Raglai family. In this family, we built a well and pray that through them, a revival will start in this area and the Word of God will spread.
Lebanon – Open to Christ
In the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, people’s attitudes toward the Gospel have changed over the past decades. This became particularly noticeable after the civil wars in Syria and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people fled their homes, becoming refugees in other countries
Kamchatka – back on the road!
The trip to the peninsula was planned to share the Gospel and help the elderly and disabled with their household needs (shovel snow, stock up or chop firewood, change wiring in the house or fix sockets)! We announced it in advance in social networks and people in need called us
Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!
War is a tough ordeal for people of all ages, from adults to the elderly and even the youngest children. In Myanmar, a neighboring country of Thailand, war has raged for years, displacing countless families. Over 90,000 refugees from Myanmar now seek shelter in Thailand, many confined to refugee camps or limited areas.
PNG – God’s Work
We have been able to conduct children’s ministry in Mamarei village! It’s truly joyful to see how, after about ten years, our boys are now serving other children—just as we once served them. How quickly they have grown!
Activities at our kindergarten will resume next week! We expect up to a hundred little Papuans aged 4 to 6 to come to learn to read and write,
Brazil – Plans for April
In the last week of January 2024, I was in Bolivia at a summer camp for teenagers and youth of our Mennonite community. All services were conducted in the German dialect “Plattdeutsch,” and the theme was “In the Embrace of the Father.” I managed to deliver 6 sermons and two prayers in Plattdeutsch, which was no easy task.
Times when we are needed
Greetings, brothers and sisters! I want to tell you how God works among vulnerable children and how we can participate in this work. Our team visited four children’s homes and spent wonderful time with the children. We cooked food, played sports games, and had interesting discussions with them.
Thailand – To whom do you direct your prayers?
It’s essential to pray to the True God, who hears and answers prayers.” This was our Bible lesson for over 100 students and their teachers in a public school. Yes, you heard it correctly – in a public school! The doors are still open to teach English and share Bible stories with students and teachers.
Vietnam – a faithful family!
Sisters, grace and peace to you and may you be multiplied! I am eager to inform you about the ministry that we are carrying out in the name of Jesus Christ among the Rāglai tribe. We have been working there for over 3 years, and God immediately urged us to pray for this family, where 7 people have already been baptized, to become a family of evangelists.
Uganda – Work for Women
Many women in refugee camps struggle to provide for their children. While believers may have found peace for their souls, material prosperity and stability for their families remain significant challenges. Due to the level of illiteracy among women, earning a living is not easy to accomplish
Lviv – 2 years of destruction
2 years of war – 2 years of destruction. The situation in Lviv is stable. Air raids occur on average 2-3 times a week. The most difficult situation is in Dnipro and Odessa. There are frequent rocket attacks and explosions in the city. My family and church are fine. There’s a lot of work, but that’s good.
PNG – Three Camps!
I don’t know when was the last time I slept more than 5 hours, and yesterday I didn’t even have time to do my hair. Welcome to the realities of missionary life! This month has been very intense. Tribal wars, jungle trips, dances, earthquakes. Teacher training, baptisms, small groups, and printing 400 T-shirts.
Ksyusha at the Children’s Ark!
When we brought Ksyusha, she was 4 years old. Her parents refused to believe that they had problems. Blaming and scolding everyone, they couldn’t understand why their child was taken away. In the end, they finally realized their problem and agreed to undergo rehabilitation.
Omsk – preparing for baptism!
It is a great joy to give oneself to children, to be with them, and to share everything you have! I sincerely thank you for the opportunity to serve them!
Lisa has reached St. Petersburg, and she is being prepared for a bone marrow transplant. Our ministry continues, and we visited three children’s homes, a hospice, and paid special attention to pediatric oncology.
Vietnam – In Need of Transportation
Today, heavy rain is falling again, and we are about to embark on a short-term mission to Laos, where we work, spreading the Word of God through evangelization, printed materials, and providing food. This time, we have decided to travel by mopeds (1200 kilometers round trip, 745 miles) as renting a car proved to be very expensive – $700.
Lviv – We are building a shelter!
This ministry is a marathon. It’s a run without an end. The war doesn’t end. It’s a big disappointment. But we continue to fight. And the next 3 days our church will fast and pray for peace for Ukraine. Please remember us in your prayers. Also, people who need our help don’t end. It’s very cold -17 degrees Celsius (1 Fahrenheit) at night.
PNG – Our Discipleship Groups
Last month, as in all the past six months, we actively preached the Gospel – in church, in prison, in remote villages, at markets, in the shade of trees, and from house to house. Many people accepted Christ, a peace treaty was signed between two warring tribes, and many also responded to the call to renew their relationship with God.
Brazil – Join our 10-day mission
Have you ever dreamed of visiting the Amazon jungle? Travel along the world’s windiest river, sleep in a boat in the jungle surrounded by wild animals? Get to know representatives of different cultures and indigenous people of the Purus, Rio Negro, and Juruá rivers, spreading the Gospel?
Omsk – We brought Them Joy!
Our team experienced significant blessings during the Christmas holiday! We greeted about 500 children in various places, including orphanages, hospitals, and hospices. Particularly valuable was our venture this year with a puppet theater, allowing children to see a Christmas story performance of this kind for the first time.
Secret believer!
It has been more than 10 years since God led us to Thailand. Reflecting on this journey, I have learned several profound lessons. Missionary work is a long-term ministry, where short-term contributions from each one of us wield significant influence in bringing people closer to Christ.
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Vietnam — For the Gospel
We returned from a trip to Laos, where we sowed the Word of God and met with brothers and sisters in Christ. We prepared for the trip for two months and constantly faced trials. Initially, there was one team, but participants changed, and in the end, those who wanted to go didn’t, but other brothers and sisters did:
The most unusual Christmas
This is the most unusual Christmas in my life. There are 50 refugees living in my church. Every day we dig a bomb shelter. 8 million Ukrainian refugees have left the country, including many of my friends. More than 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers (young men) have died.
Off-Road for Christmas
In anticipation of Christmas, our team, consisting of adults, youth, and teenagers, embarked on a journey to Muslim villages. Over 4 days, we covered 1500 km (about 932 miles), including 750 km (about 466 miles) off-road, and visited 12 settlements.
Indonesia – Church
We thank the Lord for His protection during the two-week trip to Indonesia! And although the last days were overshadowed by bouts of malaria, nevertheless, Eugene and his team were able to preach the Gospel in many schools, prisons, and simply on the street.
Brazil – Baptism by Faith
On October 19, I went to the Amazon along with three other brothers from our ministry. For 16 days, we visited village communities along various rivers, missionary homes, jointly planned, and experienced much. The first settlement was an indigenous village.
Omsk – Back in the Oncology Hospital
I want to share about what we are experiencing together with the parents and children in their difficult fates. This month, two children passed away. Anya was 11 years old, and she did not return from St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant. Her body couldn’t cope, and her organs failed.
Uganda – School is Closing
Ebenezer Secondary School was founded by a church. The school opened in 2017 and educates 350 students. Most of the students are orphans, and the school is located in the largest refugee settlement in the Yumbe District of Uganda. The school employs 13 trained teachers and is very successful, being the leading school in the refugee camps in the Yumbe area of Uganda.
Vietnam – Believers in God
After intense prayer, we went to remote tribal villages to seek out people who particularly needed help. We drove 50 kilometers away from our city and started going from house to house, distributing treats, food, and preaching the Word of God.
Lebanon – 30,000 Slavs!
In October 2022, I came to Lebanon to start my ministry in this country. This country is home to many different nationalities, among them about 30,000 Russian-speaking people. The purpose of my stay is to organize home groups among the Slavs for Bible study. To meet people, I use social networks and then through friendship and personal relationships, I witness to people about Jesus Christ.
PNG – Feed My Sheep
In the last 3 weeks, I spent 10 hours in the kitchen daily. Don’t even ask me how many people I have fed during this time and how many times – I’ve long since lost count. Somewhere in between, I turned 35, but I hardly noticed. Every day, I wake up at 5:00 AM with only one prayer on my lips
Brazil – The Story of Giuseppe
The day after lunch we continued our journey straight to the border of Uruguay. I have a bus driver’s license, so I was allowed to take turns driving our bus with students all night along with another missionary. We arrived safely and were able to hold a missionary conference over the weekend.
Lebanon – Working with Women
A woman we met once asked us to pray for her husband. He works as a doctor in another country and the new hospital management decided to lay off foreign workers. We prayed together about this situation and left everything in God’s hands. After some time, the woman shared a story that happened at her husband’s workplace.
Sudan – For the Sake of Preaching!
Simon Odong is a minister of the Gospel in Torit, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. The Lord has blessed his family with two children. Torit is the capital of the eastern state of Equatoria, and most of the unreached population groups live in these areas.
Vietnam – groups of believers
We visited and served the families entrusted to us, bringing them God’s love and assistance in living. Glory to God, for He blesses through your kind and responsive hearts. May the Lord bless you a hundredfold. And now there was an opportunity to visit the tribe of the small nationalities (Red Yao), whom we served in May 2022
Kyiv – 75 drone attack
At the end of November, 75 drones attacked the capital of Ukraine. We need prayers every day. Your prayers are a shield that protects us. We have also started building a bomb shelter in the church building. It’s a difficult but very necessary task. We also need prayers and support for the implementation of the security project for our shelter.
Lviv – two more rooms!
Air raid sirens again. Each day the shelling becomes more intense. This means that we need to work harder. I am pleased to report that this week we finished renovating two rooms for refugees, and the consultant’s office and the children’s class are ready for service. This is another victory for us.
Children’s Ark – Christmas!
We never know how long our children will live. Therefore, we do not waste time in vain: we engage in activities, learn to read and write, solve problems, and much more. It seems that just recently the first bell rang in schools, we were assembling backpacks with the children, wearing lush bows.
PNG – addressing Wounds!
Thanks to constant prayers and financial support, we can work here in Papua New Guinea, one of the most remote and forgotten corners of the world, but not by the Lord. As you know, one of our main ministries is medical, and very often our morning starts in the middle of the night, not with coffee, but with the next patient (patients) waiting for us to help them.
Famine in the Camps of Uganda
We are concerned about the impending famine in the refugee camps. The UN has reduced food rations for refugees due to insufficient funding. Now the UN is considering providing three kilograms of corn per person per month, and exclusively for vulnerable groups such as the disabled and elderly. This amount is enough for about 10 days!
Lebanon – a prayer for repentance
Lebanon is located in the center of the Middle East. It borders Syria to the north and Israel to the south. There are still no economic or diplomatic relations between Israel and Lebanon. Since Biblical times, caravans of traders have stretched from south to north through Lebanon, reaching Galatia (modern Turkey). The main transport and trade routes from Egypt passed through Israel and Lebanon!
Kazakhstan – the future of the church
These days, I am assisting with ministries on campuses and meeting with young people who have not yet heard the Gospel. A team from the Philippines came to visit our church and help with student outreach ministries. We took prayer walks around the universities in the central part of Almaty.
Omsk – Graduates into Life!
Greetings to you, brothers and sisters! The ministry of mercy and care for children continues successfully. The number of children in need is increasing. When you see the need, you want to help everyone, comfort everyone, and heal everyone. We understand that we can pray for everyone, but can only help a few.
Vietnam – our friends…
I’m eager to inform you about the latest events of our ministry at New Fields. A Christian association in Italy, upon learning that we had suffered several bouts of Dengue fever in Vietnam, and that it had caused complications to my wife’s heart, offered us insurance (both health and property).
Lviv – the war continues
Today, our city came under drone attacks. No one could sleep. Drones flew over my daughter’s house, and the explosions were heard very close. People are in fear. We are powerless against drone attacks and cannot protect our children. Our only hope is in God! Your prayers are very much needed!
PNG – the weekdays of a missionary
25 thousand steps, almost 17 kilometers of distance, 5 hours of sleep – a day in the life of a missionary in one screenshot. The claws of a rooster and rubbery stew made from pig intestines – the breakfast of a missionary that won’t be served in a restaurant.
Uganda – a pressing need!
Our women and girls face significant challenges during menstruation, which is uncomfortable but needs to be discussed. We have recognized this need and decided to help especially the girls who cannot afford to buy hygiene kits and end up missing school during this...
Lebanon – children’s camps!
In Lebanon, the descendants of ancient peoples live, who are in need of good news. For many years, we have been working among Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians. Children's camps are highly effective for introducing the Gospel! In September 2023, brothers and sisters...
Omsk – You are the best guests!
We continue to develop ministries for children facing difficult circumstances and see a tremendous need and blessing. We want to convey a huge thank you for your prayers and financial assistance! This month has been particularly busy as more than 30 children were admitted to oncology and hospice care.
Vietnam – Support!
In Kazakhstan, I bore witness in one church about the ministry in Vietnam, calling for prayer and partnership in God’s work. As the meeting ended, Sasha – a friend’s wife – approached me and said, “Your testimony deeply touched my heart, and now what should I do?”
Lviv – starting from scratch!
My name is Natalia, and my husband, our daughter, and I came from Volchansk, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. We left our occupied home into the unknown of western Ukraine, a place we had never been before. Here, we have to start life anew. It’s scary, everything is uncertain, what will happen next?
The Ark – a child’s smile!
Children who come to foster families often carry a heavy baggage of distrust, pain, and disappointment. And when you see happiness on the face of an adopted child, you rejoice twice. Parents of such children need a lot of love, strength, and wisdom. That’s why supporting foster families is so important!
PNG – Conflict Again!
At this time, a youth congress is taking place at Promise Land, where young people from all our daughter churches have gathered! Please pray that the Holy Spirit works among the youth and awakens them to new life. Also, please pray for peace among the three villages surrounding “Promise Land”: Mamarai, Tompetaka, and Kamanda. These are long-standing enemies, and there is an ongoing war between them that periodically flares up. Each of these villages has our church, and for the past few years, there has been peace between them.
People are fleeing from Sudan!
More than 19,000 refugees from South Sudan are stranded right on the border between South Sudan and Sudan in the regions of Renk, Aweil, and Bentiu. These refugees have traveled on foot for hundreds of miles before reaching the border line.
Indigenous Peoples of the North!
For the first time, a camp for children was organized in the Priuralsk tundra. For nearly a week, tundra children had the opportunity to get to know Christ as the best friend of all children. The hymns they learned became part of the program and the overall celebration.
Brazil – We Serve Together
After completing our pastoral ministry at the Vitmarsum church, we accepted an invitation from a missionary organization to join their team on a permanent basis. We will continue to live in Vitmarsum, but our work will be in Curitiba, which is about 60 kilometers away from us
Vietnam – Another Family
I am excited to share wonderful news with you. A few weeks ago, we sent another family to Vietnam for a long-term mission. Praise God! The Lord reigns! The work of God is moving forward there, and His Word is being sown.
St. Petersburg – Children’s Ark
Last year, Lena came to us. At that time, she was seven years old. Unfortunately, Lena’s mother did not arrange for her to go to school. We never know how long we will have the children with us. This year, we were among the first in line to submit an application for enrollment in the first grade.
Thailand – life skills
“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching!” – With these encouraging words, we started our life skills school, where children come to learn life skills that will help them be more independent and also grow in Christ-like character. At this moment, children are learning how to prepare meals using a rice cooker
PNG – pray for us!
Greetings to you, our co-workers of “New Fields.” Thank you everyone for your loyalty and warm hearts, inspiring you to serve with us to the ends of the earth! We have come to the end of an amazing three months that we were able to spend at the “Youth with a Mission” base in Koné.
Omsk – Always in Touch!
Jesus not only practices mercy but is Himself merciful, and that’s why His actions and deeds are merciful. Serving children greatly helps to instill this virtue and enables them to experience these feelings and transform them into character.
I received a letter from the father of a child we worked with two years ago
Indigenous Peoples of the North!
On July 29-30, 2023, in the Vorkuta tundra at the foot of the western slope of the Ural Mountains, the traditional gathering of indigenous believers from paganism took place—Nenets, Khanty, and Komi.
The beauty of the Polar Urals is truly mesmerizing!
Brazil – Repentance in the Tribe
Together with a team, we flew to the Amazon for two weeks to prepare a group of young people from the Paumari tribe for ministry in churches. It took us two days to get there. The last part of the journey was covered by a ship owned by our ministry! 16 hours against the current.
Sudan – they are in danger!
Our evangelist Adam Harun is a witness to the senseless political struggle in Sudan. He is currently in El Fasher, in the western region of Darfur. This is the 6th day of the battle between the Armed Forces of Sudan and the militarized group known as the Rapid Support Forces or the Janjaweed militia.
We have a Baptism
“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching!” With these encouraging words, we started our life skills school, where children come to learn life skills that will help them become more independent and grow in Christ-like character. At this moment, children are learning how to prepare meals in a rice cooker,
PNG – Helpers Needed!
Greetings to you, our dear colleagues. We thank the Lord that we can perform this service to the ends of the earth – together with you. Regardless of whether we are surrounded by painted Papuan warriors or (often no less painted and even more unattained) inhabitants of stone jungles
Omsk – Lera’s condition has improved!
I am happy to share some news with you about our work with children at risk. On June 1st, which was Children’s Day, we were able to reach out to 400 children in various places: orphanages, pediatric oncology, hospices, and homes for disabled children. We spent quality time with them, gave gifts, played games, and had heart-to-heart conversations.
Jordan – Seeking God!
Life in our new acquaintance’s Jordan was not easy. Her husband’s family did not accept her as a full member of the family, and this was very evident in their attitude towards her. Unfortunately, she never had protection from her husband. She tried to adapt to family life as quickly as possible.
Vietnam – it’s the lepers!
For over five years, we have been visiting the “city on the graveyard,” where people live right among the tombs. Initially, only lepers lived there, but over time, others who couldn’t afford housing in better places started joining, and people began building houses and living there on their own. This has been going on for about 50 years.
Children’s Ark – he is the older brother!
He and his sister were brought to some new building with lots of children and adults. And no one understood them. “I’m the eldest, I should find out why we’re here!? Everyone approached us, hugged us, smiled. But I wanted to cry, I wanted to go home…” These thoughts, probably, visited Oleg, who came to us.
Lviv – Sheltered 5000!
I am very grateful for your prayers. Every day we witness miracles. We resemble the disciples of Jesus who saw 5000 people and didn’t know how to help them. And then Jesus performed a miracle.
We are a very small church. We have absolutely no resources,
PNG – House Renovation!
As I mentioned before, the Papuans are eagerly awaiting our return, but they are not wasting any time. This month, the youth with Promise Land organized a music congress.
And all the churches are burning for the Lord and actively engaged in prayer, worship, and evangelism
Omsk – Dasha in the hospice!
Greetings, brothers and sisters! Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This means that when we give, we receive true joy and fulfillment through serving others, and ultimately, serving God.
I am grateful to God for revealing this simple truth, and I want to share the blessings
Thailand – children football players
Avoda’s simple pick-up truck goes from one village to another, and as it stops, young boys with all their energy run to it with great joy. They are loud and happy, even though they come from two different tribes and speak different languages. They share the same goal and vision!
Jordan – our Slavics!
Christianity in Jordan is not prohibited, but the church is highly restricted in its activities. The church can gather and pray within its premises without any issues. However, street evangelism, public squares, and parks are prohibited.
Vietnam – Baptism by Faith!
Beloved friends, brothers, and sisters, may grace and peace multiply to you! I am eager to share wonderful news with you about the work of the Lord in Vietnam. About five years ago, while exploring the area and searching for an opportunity to serve someone
The Ark – a happy childhood!
A happy childhood despite everything. “Children’s Ark” set sail in St. Petersburg and began its journey: challenging, emotional, but confident. The map constantly showed new places where children needed help. It was the need that called our ship to arrive and assist those in need.
Children’s Camp in Lebanon!
In early May 2023, we started conducting children’s camps in the city of Tyre. Youth from the USA and Germany came to help. Brothers worked with the boys, and sisters worked with the girls. Every morning, they welcomed the arriving children who eagerly participated in all the activities.
PNG – Our Inconveniences!
Thank you for joining us in the labor of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. As our grandmother Sharon writes, there has been no electricity on “Promise Land” for a week now – not uncommon for Papua New Guinea.
Omsk – Do What You Can!
Graduates from orphanages, twenty people, came to our Christian base in the village for three days. We had a very good time with them, and the children attended the meetings and all the events. We also visited the orphanages and spent time with our friends. In the past month, we received twenty children, all of them are small abandoned children.
Khakassia – Local residents
The village of Priiskovoye is located in a remote area, approximately 850 meters (2788 feet) above sea level, and is home to about 300 people. There is a school, but the classes consist of only 2-3 students. In this village, during the winter season, there is a ski resort for extreme sports enthusiasts.
Vladislava needs prayer
It seems the time has come to write about personal prayer needs. We have two granddaughters (10 and 11 years old). The older one, Vladislava, suffered from chickenpox about a year ago, and as the doctors said, this led to type 1 diabetes. This means that she needs to take insulin injections 4-5 times a day
St Petersburg – accepted in the name of Christ
The decision of Misha and Anya to become a foster family was born out of love. However, the path to this decision was not easy. Anya was born into a large family, and when she was 8 years old, she and her younger brother ended up in our shelter. Here, things were different than in a family.
PNG – Health Test
We sincerely thank everyone who continues to work with us to the ends of the earth, making it possible to spread the Gospel in remote areas of Papua New Guinea. As we prepare for our move and three-year term of service in PNG, we are acquiring some things now to use upon arrival.
Our Bakery
How many times have we prayed for God to help us find ways to reach adults? Our church is very young, and most attendees are children and youth. Grandparents and parents are happy to leave their children “under good care in a safe place.” They do see positive improvements in their children’s lives and are glad that they can learn.
Lebanon – children and refugees!
For over 10 years, we have been serving in the Middle East in Lebanon in the city of Tyre. At the moment, our eldest son Vyacheslav, his wife, and their three children have moved for long-term service in Tyre. The main goal of this ministry is the evangelization of the population with the subsequent opening of churches.
Vietnam – burning with love!
A year ago, before the Easter holiday, the Lord introduced us to a family. The elder sister Van lost her parents early (at 12 years old) and was left with her younger sister Ann. She then gave birth to two children (a girl and a boy) and raised them all by herself. She works 16 hours a day for a small salary.
St. Petersburg – A Girl’s Story!
We understand that every child dreams of having their own home and family. Such a dream was also held by Lia. Lia came to us in the summer when she was 4 years old. Her mother was in the hospital in a severe condition. As far as we know, she was hospitalized due to her unhealthy lifestyle
Avoda – attendance is growing
Around 40 children have been coming to our church on Sundays! Last month, we had a day program in a public school up on the mountain. We sang songs, played games, shared the Gospel, and at the end invited them to come to church on Sunday. We didn’t expect more than 40 children to show up at our church that Sunday
Lviv – God will grant repentance
This week we had the graduation of our training course “Rehabilitation of War Victims.” It is a great joy to see the eyes of people filled with hope. Their lives were destroyed by war, and now they are beginning a new stage. It is a great joy that this is happening with our help.
PNG – This is Repentance!
We never cease to thank God for those people who bear responsibility for the churches in the villages of Yonki, Asas, Atuka/Anditapa, Tompetaka, and Obura.
Reaching villages, like Obura, for example, is not so easy.
Omsk – Deeds of Mercy!
I express my immense gratitude to you, and Glory to God, for the dozens of children’s destinies in which we have taken part and witnessed God’s miracles with our own eyes. At the moment, Lera has been discharged from oncology and is going to a children’s home
Children’s Club “EXIT”
Jack was one of the first volunteers who came from Germany to help Russian children and ended up staying with them. Here, he met his future wife, and they are now raising their three children together. Jack leads an organization that includes not only a social shelter but also foster families.
Laos – all about Christ!
I want to tell you about the ministry that God is blessing in these days, spreading His word in Laos. We printed Bible verses and prayed, then set out. From the beginning, we faced challenges. Our flight was delayed and we were given another one, and we almost missed our connecting flight.
Lebanon – a Church in Tyre
The city of Tyre is located in the south of Lebanon and is one of the oldest cities mentioned in the Bible. Jesus himself visited this place in the past. Today, the city is in need of the Gospel message. Following the civil war that began in Syria in 2014, as well as the capture of Mosul in Iraq by extremists
Lviv – providing work
here were incredibly busy days. We have many people and g problems with electricity and it’s becoming very cold, especially in Eastern Ukraine. Please pray that we can continue our ministry. The sewing workshop is under repair. We already have our first mentor and first sewing machine. Please pray that we can start our small project for shelters.
This is not taught!
We thank the Lord for this year, the reloading and preparation for further service in Papua New Guinea. Not only was I finally able to translate the first book into English and Ukrainian, and write the second one, but as a family we were also able to seek God’s face more and receive a more accurate vision of our service in PNG.
Omsk – Christmas with children
We talked about Christmas to many people and over 500 children received gifts and participated in the celebration! At the oncology hospital, we held a puppet show and sang songs about the birth of Jesus with children and their parents, and the medical staff was also...
Uganda – God saved my life.
I would like to sincerely thank God for His protection of my life in 2022. On October 31, 2022 at 7:15, I was driving from Arua to Adjumani via Moyo and immediately after leaving the city, we got into an accident. The car exceeded the speed limit and crashed into a tree. There were three of us in the car, thank God that none of us were hurt.
Vietnam – Grandparents!
Five years ago we arrived in Vietnam and met the grandparents who are raising their four abandoned grandchildren. We remember how God touched our hearts when we learned that they earn their living by collecting cardboard and tin cans for food, housing, and upbringing.
Minusinsk – Children’s Ark
This story started in 2018. God put in our hearts to visit the children’s shelter of Gorodok village (Krasnoyarsk region). There we met a gypsy family with of children. Our love for these children led to more frequent visits to the Minusinsk children’s home where they eventually ended up.
Lviv – pray for us!
I prayed with the man (in the photo). He’s a refugee from Soledar. He spoke about the horrible destruction and the many people killed, including his neighbors and close friends. This man miraculously survived. God gave him the opportunity to know Jesus and also gave me the privilege to preach the Gospel to him.
Mongols are eager to learn!
In October I visited Mongolia and I am very grateful for your participation in this trip! A three-day discipleship conference with a group of leaders took place from Friday to Sunday. After that, we had scheduled meetings with various organizations.
Vyacheslav Kirnev Family Ministry
In the summer of 2022 my wife, our three children and I arrived in Lebanon in the City Air, to start our ministry. Our goal is to spread the Gospel through:
- Childrens ministry
- Ministry to Orphans and Kurdish Refugees
- free musical school lessons
Help for Gypsy Families
Gypsy families have their own rules and peculiarities. Children generally study until the 3rd grade. To educate their kids is not always easy The reasons are different: poverty and dependence of parents, language barrier, lack of transport and roads in the village, and much more.
Praying that the child will survive
The will of God for us personally is to be close to children who are scared, hurt and lonely. Recently, I often see how the word of God is “a cheerful heart is good as medicine” is being fulfilled. Every time we visit children in a hospice, oncology, orphanage, children run to a meeting and it seems that their hearts rejoice.
Thailand – Alumnis are serving
In 2012, the Labor Foundation launched a rescue operation, protecting Burmese children from slavery by sheltering them in the Orphanage “Avoda”. Ten years later, many former children themselves are actively involved in child rescue and evangelism.
House of Prayer in Bulgaria!
In Bulgaria, in the town of Gotse Delchev, the need for a house of prayer is very great. The lack of finances did not allow construction to begin. To strengthen and encourage the young church, we gathered at the site where we planned the building and called on everyone to put their trust in the Lord.
PNG – The Joy of meeting
put on their hearts to spend these 5 weeks in ministry at the ends of the earth, are preparing to leave for Papua New Guinea! Pray for them, they all have families, children who have remained on prayer support here in the States, while the ministers will carry His Word to the ends of the earth.
South Sudan – God Moves People
It is in these places of Scripture, we, as the first generation of Baptists in South Sudan, have rooted and prayed to reach all the farthest corners of South Sudan and other sub-Saharan countries. The photographs you see are testament to the fulfillment of the commission of Jesus Christ
Vietnam – a story of Ministry
Precious friends, brothers and sisters. Again we move from community to community, talking about the wondrous deeds of God, calling for a mission and looking for co-workers in the cause of God. This time we drove 2500 miles and visited the churches of Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Ufa. In Novosibirsk, three young guys (25-30 years old) began to pray
Life conquers death!
This is a tragedy that the devil has created in Ukraine. This is spiritual warfare. But the blows of Jesus are stronger than the blows of Satan. When I preached this week, we saw a record number of repentances. In just one service, about 15 refugees believed in Jesus! I heard prayers. I saw tears. I see how life conquers death.
Healing broken hearts
For many years, we have been counseling families, helping to resolve relationship problems that they faced. Everyone who sincerely sought a way out of the current situation received freedom from God. The Lord richly blessed us and gave us a vision to expand the ministry of counseling and helping those in need.
Thailand – Learning to help
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you very much for the thoughtfulness and care that you are showing through personal messages, prayers, and support. One of the main goals of our local church here is that we would know the Bible and would be able to provide any help to any person who is searching for it.
Vietnam – Spread the Gospel
Dear friends, brothers and sisters! I thank the Lord for answering our prayers, because by revealing our desires and dreams before the Lord, He fulfills them according to His will. With the blessing of the church and my wife, I went on a two-month missionary trip to Vietnam.
Evacuation from Mariupol
An old father and his son from Mariupol (on the right in the photo) got to Rivne. A year before the war, the son began to create an emergency suitcase: freeze-dried food, blankets, a rope, a portable burner and other things useful for survival. That is why at every checkpoint they were stopped and confused with a saboteur.
Encourage, Equip and Challenge
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” 1 Corinthians 6:3
This verse was a reminder and an encouragement for brothers and sisters in Christ who are ministering to people in this area of Thailand. Together with our team of volunteers we were able to organize a one-day seminar and invite local ministers, pastors, missionaries and youth leaders from different churches and ministries. Most of them serve God in their area and don’t have an opportunity to meet with each other. That’s why God has put on our hearts to prepare an event with the purpose to Encourage, Equip and Challenge.
Evacuation from Chernihiv
Lyudmila, her daughter and nine-year-old granddaughter Arina came from Chernihiv. Both women are widows with no one to take care of them. At first they didn’t wanted to leave because they thought it would all be over soon. Then they heard that refugees were being killed, so they were very careful.
We won’t leave PNG
We live by prayers for peace. I think the events in Ukraine have forced many Christians around the world to unite both in prayer and and in help. Sometimes, we hear comments from “well-wishers”, well all dear, with war in Ukraine, all your support will stop, and you might as well pack up and go!
Gospel to the Turkish people
ocal authorities did not issue permission to hold services this year in open, public places. Istanbul, together with the suburbs, has more than twenty-five million people. In recent years, there has been an interest in Christianity among the younger generation.
Uganda – Baptism in Moyo
The people of South Sudan have survived many wars. We never had our own school to train missionaries and pastors. And now, the long-awaited discipleship center has opened in Moyo, Northern Uganda! We started with 10 students who were recruited from the refugee camps.
They lie and wait for their death
I can’t even describe how great the need here is – the farther we go into the jungle, the more terrible the conditions are under which people live. There is a huge number of patients with AIDS, typhoid and tuberculosis, people with open wounds, twisted bones that were broken for many years, but did not heal properly.
You were here with us!
This month was a time we thank God for the Avoda Foundation which has been in Thailand for 9 years. It was an encouragement to hear all the stories, how did it start, and the way God was leading leaders and helpers in five different projects.
PNG – eyes of the sick
I can’t even explain what God does during our short medical visits. On another trip, we were stopped by tribal warriors, armed in full ammunition with spears, bows, and arrows, and they delayed us for a whole hour.
Doors are opening
Thank you very much for your participation in God’s work in Thailand! We are very grateful to God for the opportunities to see how the good news of Him changes many hearts and brings joy and hope to the hopeless. When God opened for us a door to teach English in public school
Kamchatka – God’s mercy
The coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. It is beautiful here, extraordinarily! Palana – a small town with a population of 4000 people, Kamchatka, on the west bank of the river Palany, not far from the confluence with the Sea Okhotsk. A port provides a connection for ships with fuel, food, and manufactured goods.
Papua New Guinea – Grace of God
On the weekends we were able to hold a youth convention from all our subsidiary’s churches. Over 100 people who were up to 20 years old gathered to worship the Lord together and study His Word. We were able to provide three meals a day and prizes for sports achievements.
Hope to People in Ukraine
Dear friends! Thank you for your tireless prayers! Recently we have seen missile strikes not only on military targets, but on civilians, destroying cities and homes. The city of Kharkiv suffers especially. There are cities where people are without water, electricity, food, and heat.
Bethesda – house of mercy
We returned a few days ago from a two-week missionary trip. We prayed for that trip many years, and behold, glory to the Lord it took place. The Lord let me drive 5 thousand km through the western part of Russia. We visited 7 rehabilitation gospel centers and testified of the wonderful things God has done
The schools are starting to open!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! God is doing a miracle: Schools are slowly starting to open, which gives some opportunity for children to get an education. “Please come and teach in our school “ – We receive requests from a few schools.
PNG – being a midwife
Here is how we live: waking up, getting the kids to school, quiet time with God, and then work work work. Close to the afternoon I remember that I had no breakfast, I hastily swallow my coffee with one hand keep typing the alphabet for preschoolers with the other.
My help comes from the Lord
Dear Church, thank you very much for your faithful prayers and support! This young boy lives without parents but with family relatives, who do what they can to provide for his needs. This year is his first year in school, and he could witness that help comes from the Lord,
Uganda – Girls are in danger
The brothers and sisters from refugee camps in South Sudan northern Uganda give greetings. The life of a refugee is not easy. Many of us were traumatized by losing loved ones, leaving house and property behind. The permanent lack of food and diseases traumatizes even more people.
Shamil in the Children’s Ark
Shamil came to the Children’s Ark quiet, a shy seven-year-old boy who hardly spoke Russian. Shamil did not cry, did not complain, and did not ask to go home, he has a strong character and he learned to survive in a foreign country and among strangers.
Papua New Guinea – 10 years of Ministry
Living and raising children in the jungle is not an easy task, I’ll tell you but we try to be not “correct” but “real”. We include them in conversations discussing everything as it is. Recently I was talking with our teenager Matthew. We discussed our upcoming trip home.
Vietnam – team selection!
When preaching in Russia about the wonderful deeds God does in Southeast Asia, God gives us different people to meet. I dream to do this work, the Lord prompts his people to teach the gospel and someone will respond and even join our team. God answered our prayers and desires, three families want to go on a short-term mission to Vietnam.
Omsk – Work of Mercy!
I speak with a lot of people in the remaining days and hours of their lives. This changes their whole worldview and makes them change priorities in life. Those who accept it live the words of Christ: “Seek before the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and it will all be added to you.”
Kamchatka – troubled beginning
On May 10th, 2000 our plane landed in the village of Palana, Kamchatsky. We got off the plane, but no one was meeting us. It was cold and snowy. The Lord alone knows what happened in our hearts. He was with us. He blessed the birth of our fifth child.
Thank you for your prayers
Dear Church, we are very grateful for your earnest prayers and support, we believe that all this work is for building God’s Kingdom and bringing glory to Him!!
Omsk – work with children!
Recently, a father of a boy wrote me and began to simply to thank me for everything he felt and how badly he needed support 3 years ago. Back then we accompanied them to St Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. When I read the message I cried and rejoiced,
Bulgaria – house of prayer!
Dear friends, we continue our ministry in the southern part of Bulgaria, in the town of Gotse Delchev. Among the Turkish diaspora, a church was planted among ethnic Turks. The building that we rent, cannot accommodate everyone who wants to attend the service.
Papua New Guinea – at the end of the earth
I return in my mind to our trip to the island Norman Bay is just a few weeks ago. The water around this island is so stormy that a motorboat, on which we came just couldn’t dock to the shore. We spent 2 weeks there, and it was always raining. There is no electricity here, no stores, no roads, and the only first-aid station closed last year due to tribal war.
Omsk – children in the yard!
How many children live around us who are deprived of the opportunity to feel brightness and joy of a festive atmosphere? How can they see care and participation in their life? The first Saturday of summer, we, the Word of Truth Church team, installed sound equipment and other inventory
Malawi – $4,000 for water
dire need of clear water because the water the people use in this area from the nearest stream is heavily polluted by industrial waste
Avoda – answered Prayers
Last month, by God’s grace we had an opportunity to have our children’s camp, which was such a big blessing and answered prayer! We had our older youth organize the program and have a chance to serve together. For some, it was the first time helping with children.
Papua New Guinea – Forgotten Islands
Greetings from the province Milne Bay where we are we have been for almost 3 weeks preaching from home to home, from island to island (there is around 600 island). And people here are waiting not only for their discoverers but also, much more important for the Gospel.
Uganda – Discipleship Center
The South Sudan Baptist Union still had no single school for disciples until this moment. In 2013 the civil war began, and most believers were forced to flee to neighboring countries, including to Uganda. The Refugees camps are in primitive conditions, there is no electricity or amenities.
Children in the Kaluga region
Six years ago, we met with a Gypsy family on a children’s holiday. After getting to know them we learned about the needs of this family. Six months later at they had their 6th child, little Regina, and a year after that her brother Vakhtang was born as well.
Trekol for Kamchatka!
The last time we wrote about the family Gennady and Galina Mozhaytsev, who are serving in Kamchatka. Their church prays for an all-terrain vehicle “Trekol”, so they can drive during the summer through the swamps,
In Papua New Guinea
We were able to organize an evangelistic service with our church in Abunamu and many accepted Christ. We celebrated the first anniversary of our campus church in the village Obura, we walked through three counties
Omsk – Our Dear children
This month we organized a charity concert and leaders of orphanages, children's oncology, and children's hospice were invited. They expressed gratitude for our input in the nurture and formation of children. The most important thing we were able to give them was the...
Minusinsk – House for orphanages!
The life of children in the orphanage is scheduled to the second. They grow up withdrawn and don’t trust anybody. Igor, barely remembers his own parents, because since he is three years old he lived in a correctional orphanage in Krasnoyarsk.
Trakol for Kamchatka!
In the north of Kamchatka there is village called Palana and is in the center of the Koryak district. In the year 2000 the family of Gennady and Galina Mozhaytsev with their four young children from Belgorod came to this village.
War In Papua New Guinea
A war broke out between tribes Agarabi and Tappu in our area over land rights disputes. Everywhere you can see armed soldiers, spears, axes and angry people. Grenades are exploding and burn whole villages. Matthew and Miroslava go straight through the epicenter of the war to school,
Mongolia – people are tired!
Gandhi is a 25-year-old mother and widow. She grew up in an orphanage. Her husband died at the age of 27 from a heart failure in October 2020. Gandhi has no relatives and no home. Currently she lives with her husband’s sister and her two sons.
Please rejoice with us!
Yes, I believe!!! This is a short but very meaningful and powerful phrase! “Yes, I believe!” – To say it in front of other witnesses is a big challenge. “Yes, I believe and have decided to follow Jesus and want people around me to know about it”. Four young people made a public confession of their faith and got baptized.
Meetings with churches in Russia
Peace be with you, dear friends! Like we reported earlier, we had to fly to Russia to be examined and find a treatment for Irina, as well as to visit the brothers and sisters and tell about miracles God is doing in Vietnam. We visited churches from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg, encouraging people of God to evangelize.
Omsk – Leras mother broke down
We have been participating in life of children who are admitted to a pediatric Oncology, a hospice and four orphanages. The more we are open and help people, the more they are willing share their pain with us. I want to say thank you from every child and from me,
Helping churches in Sudan
In the pictures you see the distribution of food to the Palush and Melut camps in Malakal, South Sudan. The situation in the country is very difficult – hunger is everywhere. Pray for the safety of all teams and the success of the distribution
One generation for Christ!
People who are worshiping spirits don’t look happy, they live in constant fear to please spirits, and they put a lot of effort into this. They pass their belief to their children and grandchildren, who continue to live by the same pattern. What if, one generation would turn to Christ?
Vietnam – Need for Healing
Today we need healing, and therefore we turn to you for prayer support, believing in the power of prayer. Three years and 4 months we are doing work in South East Asia (Vietnam). We have suffered Dengue fever, my wife and I at the same time. There is a worldwide pandemic, and despite this, we remain in the country.
Omsk – become our father!
At the beginning of March, my team and I drove to an orphanage in the village of Muromtsevo. My eldest daughter Olga was with me and there I was asked to speak with a nine-year-old girl. She sat down on my knees and immediately began to ask: “Sasha, take us to your home, my younger brother Ruslan and an older brother Alex.
Mongolia – Help is needed
Thank you so much for that always help and support us. We successfully delivered food. We provided food packages to 346 families in Ulan Bator and in the provinces. Each family was given food and with them, we also gave them the Gospel.
Flood in South Sudan
South Sudan has never experienced a flood this size at the Nile River since 1956. The flood affected the entire Upper Nile and led over 270,000 people to leave the area. About 2000 believers of our associations were forced to leave their homes. N pastors with their families were among them. The flood-affected agricultural farms and the livestock.
God guided me to Cairo
Returning home to Kazakhstan, I continued to learn Arabic online. Lord guides me to keep serving among Muslims in Egypt. My friends, who came to organize camps with a team to Jordan, are serving in Cairo. They offered to come and join their team.
Early Spring in Asia
Past ministries in Asia remind us of early spring. Although the Turkish authorities took a tougher position with the Islamization of the population countries and demonstrated their constant course in this direction, resorting to an extraordinary act in Istanbul, they turned the church St. Sophia into a functioning mosque.
Omsk – the Word of Truth grows
Life keeps changing and we continue to serve God. We preach the Gospel, raise children, taking care of old people, and help people in need. We keep finding new opportunities to testify of the Savior. For a long time during the “first wave of Covid” our Church “Word of Truth” was forced to perform services online.
The life story of Viktor Sklanda
The life story of Viktor Sklanda is about how a wounded child’s soul became a beacon of hope for other children. Victor could have a good life. His father bred thoroughbred horses. The family atmosphere was good and friendly.
Back in St. Petersburg
I am sure that all of us get great pleasure from the ministry to sick children and their families. We have a unique opportunity to do what Jesus did. Today He does it through us! A month ago, Lera began to feel bad so she and her mother were urgently sent to St. Petersburg,
Bethesda – a holiday on the street
On behalf of everybody, I express to you sincere thanks for your prayers and support in the distribution of Christmas gifts and evangelistic sets – for children and adults. Despite quarantine, we still managed to hold a Christmas performance and gave gifts. 35 children and 44 adults children and adults came from our village.
I want my life to be changed completely
“I want my life to be changed completely, I want to follow Jesus and get baptized”- said a young lady, who comes from a very strict Buddhist family. A few months ago, she started to come to our church by driving on a bicycle a long distance.
Christmas in orphanages!
Christmas is always a reason to be joyful to those who experienced Jesus, and a reason to share the good news with people who live next to us. I’m in charge of the Mercy Ministry in our church. We as a team care about people, who are in need. We take care of widows, disabled people, and children at risk.
Mongolia in need!
Friends, I want to thank everyone who participated and prayed for our ministry in Mongolia. As I wrote the last time our main church “Golden Star” and three church campuses began to deliver products to people in need.
Malawi – Discipleship lessons!
The first lesson for 20 pastors on discipleship and counseling took place on December 15, 2020, in the city of Blantyre. They all serve diligently in Malawi and Mozambique.
Vietnam – after the Typhoon!
Typhoons, floods, and landslides are natural disasters in Vietnam that happen yearly. But last year was worse. More than 250 people died. People lost livestock, crops, houses. Forecasters said that the typhoon will damage all areas, but one area has suffered more than other areas.
Uganda – Unusual Repentance
The Baptist Association of the Omugo refugee Camp in the Arua area on the west of the Nile, Uganda, organized a three-day conference. Many people gathered despite the Covid-19 Lockdown. Among those who came, there was also a Satanist
St. Petersburg – the hearts of children!
We learned about the “Open heart Ministry” when we were visiting Kansas City in 2016. And in 2019 we opened our own counseling center. This is God’s way of healing tormented hearts.
Avoda – children camps and mercy ministry
Dear Church, thank you very much for your participation by prayer and financially. By God’s grace, we had an opportunity to make a youth camp with a mission in the South of Thailand. It was a blessing for our youth, from two of our “Avoda” projects, to have a fellowship and serve together through children camp and mercy ministry,
Antalya – The good news!
Currently, the population of Turkey is over 75 million and they all need salvation. In 2020 many ministers were deported, and young churches were left without mentors. Services in Antalya were held under God’s protection, people filled the halls and listened to the Gospel.
Mozambique – Davy was healed
Davy Yohane was born on August 30th, 1968 in the province of Tete County Tsangano in Mozambique. He is married to Selina and they have seven children. Davy had a heart problem, and in 2013, his health deteriorated. Davi asked a Christian to pray for him and the Christian Community prayed for him for almost a year.
Uganda – three days without food
Greetings to all of you and thank you very much for your partnership in preaching the Gospel. We wanted sincerely thank you for each
prayer for South Sudan. May God bless you at all times!
Churches in Juba city, South Sudan, raised their voices, praising and worshiping God, thank you for your generosity and desire to support them with food and essential items.
Taking food to the market
A car is vital to our ministry. We praise the Lord that our ministry is expanding, but the car can no longer handle all the tasks with the assigned functions and tasks. Often you have to go to the city and transport not only people but also products food: cereals, butter, sugar.
People are losing their sight
We visited the Yao Tribe in Malawi and held a children’s camp there. We found out that the population is suffering from a toxic water supply. This causes some of them to lose their eyesight, across all ages from young to old.
A year in quarantine!
Mongolia has been under quarantine since February 2020. And in the last 2 months, we have been in high-level quarantine. It was supposed to end on January 6, 2021, but it is being extended again. People are desperate, they have no jobs and no opportunity to feed their families.
God’s Will Is Our “Food”
Our community received the opportunity to gather in more spacious building where it became possible to organize parallel services at the same time. Today, our prayer to the Lord is that He fills the new home with saved people. To achieve this we made an effort and developed various ministries and referrals for evangelism.
Left without food and shelter!
At the end of September 2020, another clash happened between the two parties in South Sudan. Residents of the camps in Corijo, Andejo, and Moroto, were attacked. The shooting lasted from 4 am to noon. About 3 thousand people were panicking and ran to the border of Uganda.
Our pastors are back!
Over the past year, our students opened 11 new churches in Mozambique and Malawi has 9 new churches. We planned to gather students and continue to teach and through discipleship and caring for new believers. Despite limitations, the word of God is preached and many...
Bethesda is Roman’s destiny
Our Lord “ate and drank with the tax collectors and sinners”, because He came for “the sick, not the healthy”. People who turn to us for help are broken by sin. They don’t have destinies, and their souls are dark. But, the Lord is alive and merciful – He gives strength and opportunities, patience and compassion for those whom He brings to our abode.
Thailand – Our God is great!
Our God is great! We have very good news: The new generation is not interested in drugs anymore, because most of young people go to church! The area where our church is located is called the “Golden Triangle”, and famous for its opium-growing past.
Vietnam – witnesses of Christ
Thank you for your prayers and support for our trip to the north of the country! We have covered over 1850 miles by air; 1600 miles on the moped. The route was very difficult. But thank God, we were witnesses of Christ in the most remote corners of the country.
Children with cancer
We have been helping families who are undergoing treatment in St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant. We are especially involved in the fate of Lera and her mother Masha. They had a very difficult situation
Repentance in prisons!
Papua New Guinea is one of the world’s leading country in
terms of crime, and its capital, Port Moresby, is officially the worst tourist
The criminals are mostly from single-parent families who run
away from home and roam the streets, gradually turning into criminals.
I’m tired of hearing about death!
Let me share with you some of the challenges faced by pastors in refugee camps in northern Uganda and South Sudan. Most South Sudanese are less educated and do not work in refugee camps.
Malawi – a church by the lake!
I would like to introduce you to Andrew Cammwamba. He was born on September 18, 1973, in Blantyre, Malawi. Andrew is happily married to Zelesie and has nine children. He is a born-again Christian with the gift of teaching and evangelism.
Bethesda – the father was deceived!
In the middle of August, strangers called me and started telling about an elderly man who needs help. They told me that in the beginning of summer, a middle-aged man brought an old man who could barely walk to an empty house next to them.
Amanzhol is already with God
I am very glad to inform you that Lera and Masha went from St. Petersburg to Omsk after painful and long procedures. They have overcome the crisis and will be under the supervision of our doctors, this is a small victory to us, thank God. They are very grateful for your prayers and support.
I want to be a Christian!
It was Sunday morning when we saw a new face at our church. We noticed her interest in reading the Bible and participating in worship with all her heart. She introduced herself and said that she was very happy to be here. As we learned later, Ching* comes from a Buddhist family.
New Guinea – Christmas
The prison ministry is slowly growing into another church. Five prisoners are getting ready to be baptized. Thank you for carrying this ministry together with us! For Christmas we are planning to be busy – we are preparing a Christmas program
Vietnam – Doing good
We met a family, who is living in the “city in the cemetery”, at the end of 2018. They have 5 children. The first meeting was very tense, the little girls looked at us from around the corner, it was clear she was not trusting us. Their hut is made of tin.
Jesus Christ for Tanzania!
The struggle for survival is ubiquitous in Africa. Depending on the regions, people differ greatly: they can be friendly and good-natured, but in some places, they are very fierce and aggressive, and it is not safe to walk without guards. A significant part of the tribe’s worship pagan gods and follow traditional African religions.
Lera – readjusting to life
Despite the fact that we cannot have direct contact with children, we found a way to take care of them. This requires more finances and we need to be more creative. In orphanages – we help with groceries and the purchase of educational equipment.
Uganda – Feeding the hungry
I would like to thank New Fields Ministries and all the Slavic Baptist churches in the United States for supporting our churches in the refugee camps. We bought several tons of food for $8,000. We delivered the food to the camps in the Ajumani district in northern Uganda at the end of August
Malawi – “Gule Vankulu”
Our pastors, who open new churches in different parts of the country, get to meet not only Islamists but also followers of traditional African religions. These include the “Gule Vankulu” traditions. Gule Vankulu adherents are found in both Malawi and Mozambique.
Children’s Ark – our children
By Russian law, children living in an orphanage must be outside for at least four hours a day. What to do with them and how to entertain them if it’s raining outside? In St. Petersburg, it really is raining a lot. Rain is a part of our life here. And when it rains, children should have a roof over their heads.
Bethesda – the house of mercy
The Lord blessed us with food packages, and we had the opportunity to share them with those in need, in our village and surrounding. We distributed 38 food packages, mostly to big families, the elderly, the unemployed, and the needy. And precisely about one large family that I wanted to tell you about.
Vietnam – Ashim and Daria!
God is shaping our team in Vietnam by bringing in new people from different nations like Ashim (Uzbekistan) and Daria (from Kazakhstan). It so happened that at the end of 2019, they came to Vietnam to spend the winter here and give birth to a child. Ashim assisted his wife in giving birth without the participation of doctors
New Guinea – mother to 19 children
Although I gave birth to only two white children, I have many more black children in my heart. The nineteenth child is called Simon. I will never forget when I saw him for the first time – we picked him up, barefoot and tattered, from the street of the big city where he lived and was surviving with food that people threw to him.
Uganda – Quarantine for over 140 days
The Lord blessed our family with three biological children and one adopted boy, Kennedy 20, Joel 13, carol 9 and Kayla 6. The lord has been merciful to us since our wedding in 2005. Together with my wife rose and the children, we fled to Uganda in January 2017.
Omsk – help for Lera
We are paying special attention to Masha and her daughter Lera. On June 29th, Lera underwent a bone marrow transplant in St. Petersburg, and she is still under the serious supervision of doctors in the ICU. We remember how we were helping Wova and Misha but their bodies could not cope with the pressure.
St. Petersburg – little Dasha
I want to introduce you to Dasha, she is 1 year old. She has been the youngest member of the Children’s Ark for several weeks now. The mother has a drinking problem and is unable to care for her. She often left Dasha alone or took her with her when she was drunk.
Uganda – Stolen Food!
On 14-16 July 2020, a fierce fight broke out between numerous tribes in the South Sudan refugee camps in the Obongi area. As a result of the fights, three people were killed, and several dozen people were injured. The cause of the conflict was the lack of food. A Nuer woman was caught with stolen corn
Thailand – The Life of elderly people
The Life of elderly people in our village is not easy, especially with the language barrier. Even though they live in Thailand they speak their tribal language. Some of them come to our church with their grandchildren. God put a desire on our hearts to organize a group for the elderly, where we can study the Bible in their language.
Malawi – our new church
Gift Chimombo was born on January 2, 1982 in Blantyre. He is married to Jessy. They have two small children. By the grace of God, Gift became one of our students and was trained to organize new churches. In late April 2020, Gift traveled to Senga Bay on a mission to open a church along Lake Malawi.
Vietnam – disciples of Christ!
More than two years ago, we met Yum, a Vietnamese. She speaks Russian and considers herself a Buddhist but is open to the Word of God. We gathered in her office, prayed, and read the Bible. Yum even went with us on our mercy ministry. In 2019, she married a Russian man, Alexander.
Omsk – Sincere people
Sometimes I wonder why I stayed in the church, and I understand that it was thanks to the people who came to me. They were sincere and good to me. I saw Jesus in them. This is very important because our ministry is more deeds than words.
The Church “Word of Truth”
At the “Word of Truth” church, we decided to take part in the needs of people and show concern for those around us. During the month, we have delivered over 50 food packages. Some greeted us with joy and others cried from happiness, for receiving help from us.
St Petersburg – Children’s Ark
Last week, an incident occurred in the children’s ark that not only surprised us but made us see the greatness of God. After many warm days, a light rain began. A few minutes later, the rain intensified and hail with the size of a tennis balls began to fall from the sky.
Malawi – the power of the Gospel!
Partson Mbundula was born on March 13th, 1991 in Blantyre – Malawi. He is married to Memori Katepa. God blessed them with two healthy children – Taniva and Daniel. Memori is a qualified primary school teacher and is ready to help her husband in the ministry.
Rejected, but accepted by God.
Tong* was born into a big family where everything went well until his parents divorced. His parents moved to different cities. At a young age, Tong moved to live with his aunt and cousins, hoping to find acceptance there.
Kenya – going back to school.
Samuel Santam is 6 years old. He lives with his mother, three sisters, and four brothers. He has no father, who died when his mother was four months pregnant. They all live with their grandmother. She is in old age, sick and very weak. A year ago, she broke her leg and became even more dependent on others.
Omsk – Difficult Times
We are having difficult times, and with self-isolation, there are benefits and disadvantages. The benefit is that people have become more sensitive and more inclined towards the Gospel. My team and I took this opportunity and delivered food packages and medicine to families in need.
Lebanon – Gospel to refugees
What can we do? There is a riot in Lebanon, and all services are already planned. Local people are used to the unrest in the streets and are calm about it. But we were worried, afraid to put our lives in danger, but it was unacceptable for us to refuse to serve; the Lebanese would not understand us.
Vietnam – the end of isolation!
As soon as the self-isolation restrictions began to loosen in Vietnam, we came together as a team and prayed and went to serve people. We have five large families, which we visit for more than a year now, and bring them food every month. We went to negotiate with the authorities so that they would allow us to perform a deed of mercy
Meet the Grushevski Family
Minusinsk is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Siberia. It is located in the center of Asia and is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Many families with foster children live in our area. We want to build a house in Minusinsk in which the foster families, like orphans, can live.
Malawi – the commands of Christ
David was born on June 4, 1991 in Ntcheu Malawi. After three months of training, he went with his wife to practice in Bwumbwe. David and Patricia have a child and are happy to have the opportunity to serve God. Bwumbwe is located in southern Malawi, where the Ngoni and Lomwei tribes dominate.
Uganda – leasing land
I am writing to you because from the first day until now you have not stopped praying for refugee camps in northern Uganda and in South Sudan. In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, life in refugee camps has become even harder. Especially due to food shortages.
Krasnodar – Do good!
When we were visiting families with disabled children, we met one family closer. Olga has two children, 10 and 12 years old, they both are diagnosed with a psychological delayed development. Olgas life is not easy. A year ago, she buried her mother, who died from a stroke.
Letters from God
Every Sunday, children from different houses, which are up in the mountains, are running with a great joy as they see our car entering their village. Some children already waiting in the assigned place, some running down and some up the hill trying to come on time. Some come with their Parents, some with older siblings.
Vietnam – homecoming
Grace and peace to you, our friends, brothers and sisters. I will tell you the story of the family, so that you support in prayers about the trials they had in their life. Kam (Vietnamese) is 28 years old, in February 2019 he moved with his wife, Zhenya (Russian) to his historical homeland from Russia.
Malawi – The Gospel for the people
Henderson Kautsi was born on 02.25.1990 in Ntcheu County, Malawi. He is a university graduate with a degree in Logistics and Supply Management. He is currently attending a theological school, married to Tendai, and blessed with one daughter, Raina. Henderson is a born again Christian and blessed with the gift of an evangelist.
Papua New Guinea – God’s plan!
Quinilla is three and a half years old and is was always smiling, talkative, and even when she became ill with typhus, it did not completely wash the smile off her face. She knows the words of all the songs that we sing
Omsk – being kind
want to thank you for participating in the ministry of sick children, their mothers, widows, and orphans. Because of the pandemic epidemic, three families are in St. Petersburg and cannot leave to Omsk. Their children are diagnosed with leukemia underwent a bone marrow surgery and we cannot visit them,
Uganda – life during a pandemic
Despite the Covid-19 Lockdown in the refugee camps, the two evangelists Jackson Alikanga & Doru Alex reached out to the neighborhood at the Morobi camp, a refugee’s settlement in the Obongi district. God has put into the hearts of these men a desire to share the Gospel
Krasnodar – people are panicking
Around the world, there is panic. People are in fear, and not only unbelievers. The panic is among Christians too. This leads people to “go underground”, wait and sit it out. They fill their bins, refrigerators, and wait. And around them is chaos. People are sick, physically, and Spiritually. How can one not get infected?
Jordan – the price of following Christ!
n Jordan, there are many refugees from neighboring countries – Syrians and Iraqis. And many of them are very interested in listening to the word of God. One day, late in the evening, when we were already preparing for bed, an Arab family came to us.
Prayer for Ingushetia
The world has changed, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Over the past week, our family received a lot of letters of thanks from the families we serve. They thank the Almighty for us and you, for taking care of them, for prayers.
Masaai – the school is closed!
Because of the coronavirus, we had to close the school. As you know, I taught in the church building all these years. I have two classes and I separate the small children from adult children. It has been a difficult time for me. Inside the building, there is the...
Vietnam – Pray for Lisa
We are all co-workers of Christ. While spreading the Gospel in Vietnam, we come across people with different nationalities, and even from Buryatia. We wrote to you about the baptism of Lisa’s sister, and just recently, how she was forced to return to Russia in order to undergo surgery.
Thai Patana – Evening Camps
More than 30 children are in the back of a pickup truck, some other children are running from the village, school vans, motorcycles, and cars are stopping by the gates, bringing their children. All these children don’t want to be late! What is going on?
Dasha was sent to the hospice
Brothers and sisters, I welcome you! I am very glad that we are participating in the spreading of the Gospel, helping people in their grief. We are currently paying special attention to two families – this is Anastasiya with Dasha and Ulyana with Savelya.
Ingushetia – The people of the world
The history of us befriending families in Ingushetia began in the spring of 2018. We were in Ingushetia at that time for 7 months already. Much in the Islamic tradition was interesting to us, and my wife Anya and I looked for any opportunity to get to know them.
Everyday school students!
Esther is six years old. She lives in southern Kenya in the Masaai tribe. After a severe, prolonged illness, the family lost their father. Now the mother is forced to raise their daughter alone. Esther has two brothers and two sisters. Both sisters are married.
We are very grateful
“I will go to Heaven!” – was a very sure answer from a 10-year-old boy. Why do you think this way? we asked him. “Because I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Who came to this World and died for my sin. And he continued with the whole Gospel in his own words.
Vietnam – meeting with Igor
As you remember, we were detained and arrested 2 months ago in a hospital for preaching the Gospel. And here we are again in this hospital. Our friend Igor – a homeless person got here with an injury. He lives on the seashore with his Vietnamese girlfriend Tu.
Uganda – Open Churches
I greet you all in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for the ministry that God began in South Sudan. We pray that the Lord will expand our limits in 2020. Thank you for your prayers and help in the refugee camps in Uganda.
Bethesda – the roof was replaced
We don’t have enough words to express our gratefulness. Our hearts are filled with joy. We praise and thank the Lord for your prayers, help and support. One of the serious drawbacks at Bethesda was the old roof.
Savelya will be operated
Our whole team thank you for the opportunity that you give us through your prayers and donations. Jesus says: “since you did this to one of My brothers, you did to Me.” Children who are terminally ill listen to the Gospel and receive salvation in Christ
Ingushetia is in need!
We met with the family of Ruslan and Amina 2 years ago. They are a traditional Ingush family, 3 children (two girls and a teenage boy). The family lived in a small plywood house of 20 m² (215sf). Here they huddled for about 7 years.
Answer to our church prayers
Throughout 2019, our community prayed daily for the opportunity to enter the new House of Prayer and start holding meetings in a spacious hall that can accommodate everyone who wants to join the worship of the living God.
Cambodia – you are the witnesses!
In Cambodia, we were allowed to visit Russian-speaking prisoners. One man was English-speaking, Andreas – he is sentenced to life. When we read to him from the Word of God and informed that we had come to him for Jesus’s sake (I was in prison and you came to Me. Matthew 25:36)
Bethesda – God did not leave!
Homeless people have been living in Bethesda for many years. We have sheltered them and have weekly bible meetings with them! For some, we help restoring documents, apply for pensions for them, and take them to hospitals. People with amputated limbs are among them!
Sudan – For the Gospel!
We thank God that the ministry began in Sudan in the highly populated areas of the southern Blue Nile, in the areas of Ingessana, Uddu and Jumdzhum. A wide door for the Gospel was opened in northern Sudan,
The Maasai School
We thank God for all the good that He has done for us. The school is doing well. After the holidays, we opened on Monday, January 6, 2020. We thanked God because He sent us rain and all the grass was green. We don’t need to worry about how to feed our livestock at the moment
Christmas has come on time!
Jesus was born just on time … The world needed His love and the Lord gives us unique opportunities – to talk about the born Savior! With your help, we were able to visit three children’s institutions
Christmas in Ingushetia
On Christmas, we visited 13 families of our friends. We gave gifts to children and groceries to each family. In every house we were we were greeted with a festive table. We talked about the story of Jesus or Isa, as the Ingush call Jesus.
Dasha’s desperate struggle!
We have several children from Omsk in St. Petersburg who are awaiting a bone marrow transplantation. We also taking care of them and they had a real Christmas. Among them is Dasha, about whom I already wrote. Anastasia, Dasha’s mother asked to say hello and thank you...
Christmas is in our village!
My heart rejoices and is filled with joy, which I want to share with you. On January 6th, we had the privilege to proclaim the Good News. Together, we held two Christmas performances in two villages, in Kovalevo – where we live and in the neighboring village Ivanovka.
The gift of health and hope!
Last December we started our program “The gift of health and hope” as we entered our winter season. Many families live in simple homes, where often the temperature inside is the same as outside, and this season we had it 7C (44F) which is very cold for us.
Vietnam – The Birth of Christ
For the third year now, we have been celebrating Christmas in Vietnam, and each time in a new, special way. Special prayers, special preparation, special inspiration. This year they made the Christmas card design themselves and printed Bible verses,
Christmas and our heroes!
In Russia, we have the privilege of celebrating Christmas twice on the 25th of December, and on January 7th. My team and I handed out 900 gifts. We had a Christmas play for children, and we performed it seven times in different places.
Ingushetia is my calling
For 230 years after the adoption of Islam in Ingushetia there was not a single church. God immediately began to open doors for us to many families. For 2 years we have been visiting our friends.
Only Jesus Can Set Us Free
Greetings dear brothers and sisters! We would like to thank you all for your prayers about our trip to Cambodia. We saw how our Lord was with us in a country where 97% of the people are Buddhists
The New Church Building
We are very grateful for your prayers and support towards the reconstruction of our Church building in Thailand, where less than 1% of the population are Christians.
Vietnam – according to your faith
We want to inform you about the events developing in the work of God in Southeast Asia. Lisa, born in Buryatia – Russia, decided to move to Vietnam with her children.
We fight for the life of Dasha
The grace of God is above us, and we are among those who can help people in need. I want to send you greetings from Anastasia and her daughter Dasha. They are in difficult
Krasnodar – Christmas
Jesus came to the “sick.” To those who really needed Him. He did not pass by the sick, the outcast, and the lonely. Christmas is a holiday that reminds us of Christ’s most important mission.
What a Blessing to Suffer For God’s Word
Happy New 2020 Year dear brothers and sisters! I would like to thank everyone who prayed for us, and would like to share the testimony of our very last days before this new year.
Bulgaria is open for Christ
In October and November 2019, the Lord allowed us to conduct evangelistic services in the cities in Southwestern Bulgaria - Sandanski, Petrich, Gotse Delchev. Here, local authorities provided us with the house of culture. We were very impressed and encouraged by the...
We celebrate Christmas
We thank the Lord and you our friends for the great opportunity to serve together for the glory of God. By His grace we prepared the Christmas holiday for the children in Omsk.
Please come and help teaching about God
The small tribal school that is up in the mountains with 140 students doesn’t have enough teachers and one teacher has to teach several subjects. English is being taught by showing videos.
First meeting with disabled people
We organized the first meeting for people with disabilities, which was attended by about 30 people. We offered refreshments at the tables. A few shared their testimonies
Malawi – our first Project
At the invitation of the Zambezi Gospel Church leadership, we arrived and started working with children and build a Sunday school!
Our guests from California
We had scheduled meetings in the Lamdong province, this is 87 miles away from us. We drove on mopeds. On our way, the electricity of one the mopeds failed.
Ingushetia is our home!
My name is Maxim, I am 35 years old and married to Anya, she is 4 years younger than me. God gave us two wonderful babies, our daughter Danu and our son Daniel. We met 5 years ago, back then, none of us even thought that we would soon become a family and would live...
We have new School Uniforms!
It was a holiday! But not only for children. Mercy invited all parents to school so that they could thank together for these new uniforms! Thank you very much to everyone who sacrificed and prayed for a school in Kenya.
Sasha’s Health is improving
We all prayed and participated in the fate of Sasha Starovoitova, a child whom our friends adopted at the age of 6 months and three months later they discovered that he has cancer in both eyes.
Put All Trust In The Lord
Our Lord is working wonders but not only in the hearts of the children; I have been noticing how God at the same time is great working within me and strengthening my faith in Him!
Malawi – Pastoral Training!
as we wrote in the previous letter, God put in our hearts to open a school for church leaders in Blantyre – Malawi.
Kenyas school has started
Here in Maasai, people depend on livestock such as goats, cows, sheep and donkeys. This is their favorite work. When a baby is born, the first thing it learns is to simply graze cattle.
Laos – People crave Christ!
For about 4 months we prayed to serve in Laos. We searched for Scriptures that we would be able to distribute and for different places, among different key people.
Malawi – our children’s ministry.
In Malawi, many children have lost their parents due to HIV / AIDS. Children grow up on the streets and face many challenges.
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back
“I look at you, Christians, and I like what you are doing, I want to be a Christian too, but I am still afraid of the spirits that they will harm me and my family.”-said one lady, whose husband is a shaman.
Bethesda is in need!
God blessed the church with 3 houses, in one of the villages in the Omsk region. Soon it was decided to use these houses as a ministry of mercy and create a shelter
Train Up a Child from the Beginning…
We would like to thank you all for your prayers; in Vietnam the rainy season began, and we praise the Lord for keeping us from floods.
Dashas condition is serious but stable!
I want to convey greetings from Anastasia and Dasha, they are now in a clinic in St. Petersburg. Dasha had an operation on her head and a drainage was installed so that the fluid would come out
How I found Christ
My journey to God has not always been the easiest. Growing up in a nourishing Christian family with an amazing church has been a big blessing to me.
Malawi – Pastoral Training
By teaching church leaders, we are able to grow quantitatively and qualitatively. Churches opening in rural and very poor areas. Here, most people live off farming and their livestock.
Eugene was sentenced to 48 years in prison.
God miraculously revealed to us dungeons in Thailand. Twice a year we visit prisons and bless the condemned. When visiting Eugene, I hear his sincere greeting: “Father Alexander, how glad I am to see you.”
Malawi – Open Churches!
The Zambezi Gospel Church was founded by an Australian missionary Joseph Booth in 1892. In 1964, the leadership of the church was transferred to the indigenous people.
The church in Pochinok
The church in Pochinok was opened in 1996, it is 45 kilometers from Smolensk and has 28 members. In our area are three boarding schools with 320 people in the villages Shatalova, Borschevka and Prudki.
Prayer for Europe!
Our ministry here in Nice - Sanremo has come to a final phase. We returned to the Czech Republic, as agreed after three years of Ministry. We are praying now to understand what God wants next from us. Please pray for Brother Francois, he lives in Nice, his wife Olga...
My Ways Are Higher Than Your Ways
Recently we visited the neighboring country, Laos, and would like to share once again the wonderful ways that God leads. We had all the days planned out in which cities we were to minister and even printed cards with the verse John3:16
Pray for our house church
Our house church does not have a building for prayer and worship. We are meeting in houses. We pray that the Lord will give us a building so that we not only worship but also can hold weddings and funerals.
Dasha is on the way to St. Petersburg!
Dasha has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and there were complications on the brain, she slowly began to die. Then she was operated several times and now the situation has stabilized.
Malawi – children without parents!
Malawi has a population of 18.1 million, and 40% of them are young people under the age of 15. Most children have lost both parents. Many families are headed by an older child who takes care of the younger ones.
Kristina is already all grown up!
Fifteen months have passed since we left for Vietnam and last saw Kristina. 10 years ago, we met her grandfather Boris in Petrovka, and so our friendship continued all this time.
We are praying for the new building
We are experiencing another round of blessings, and of course trials, that shows us that we are moving in the right direction by spreading and affirming Biblical truths.
Dasha is in Serious Condition
I want to express my gratitude for your desire to help children. Dasha, about whom I already previously wrote, is in serious condition, she had another operation on her head
Mighty Name of Our Lord
I would like to thank you all for your prayers and thank our Lord for His great works here in Vietnam. Our Lord blessed us with the opportunity to visit the city hospital almost every Sunday now
Camp meetings for Children & Youth
I have over 300 children as each month more children are registering. The children who do not know Jesus are just too many. I would like to bring more children to Christ.
Dasha needs our help!
Recently, new opportunities have opened up to participate in the lives of children with blood cancer. We have became participants in this process more than three years ago.
The Church “Glory of God” in Kemerovo
he Church “Glory of God” in Kemerovo – Russia, has been helping to rehabilitate drug addicts and homeless men and women for 11 years. All this time we have been renting houses for the ministry.
Vietnam – Our house for the Lord!
The first year of our ministry in the missionary house is over. We have always had our doors open and a daily gathering of people. The house serves not only us, but also the church.
We picked him up from the streets
We met him on Christmas Eve in 2017. We were on our way to the worship service, and suddenly we saw a man crawling along the road. We stopped and picked him up.
Ministry in Thai Patana
This week we were learning what the Bible tells us about sin and the work of Jesus Christ. We had more people because some of our older girls visited us during their summer break from their University.
Three little heroes
Right now, three children are fighting for their lives. Doctors, parents – everyone asks one question – how can they help? What can they do?
Our work with the Father’s House
On May 30th, my wife Eugenia and I celebrated our twentieth anniversary of marriage. Our son Arseny received a high school diploma with an in-depth study of the English language. He ranked first in his class.
Gospel to Refugees in Europe
We met with pastors of two churches, we hope the Lord will open the door in this city so that there will be a community and a place where this community will be able to meet.
God’s Amazing Ways
We want to greatly thank you all for your prayers! As I have shared previously that it was difficult for us to work together with other churches in the children’s ministries.
Children’s Day Celebration
We and the team visited two orphanages and a children’s hospital on children’s celebration day. More than 100 children received gifts and love.
The Gospel in Tanzania
We held an evangelist service at the end of May 2019. Ten Thousand of people gathered to listen to Good News. The group that arrived to serve in Tanzania consisted of 27 people.
New Church Building
We are very grateful for your prayers and support for our ministry in Thailand, a country where less than 1% are Christians.
I was sick and you visited me
Recently, some brothers from Russia called us and said that there was Denis from Russia in a hospital close to us, who had been in an accident.
Forbid Them Not, To Come Unto ME
Thank you for your support and prayers for our ministry here in Vietnam. Also, we thank the Lord for providing an opportunity for us to participate in a local one-week day-camp.
The Gospel to Refugees in Europe
Peace to you, dear friends! The ministry in the city of Nice and Sanremo is growing. We are studying the Scripture and organize Sunday services in those two cities.
San & Anita in Thailand
After an active school year, we were thinking if there are enough resources for us to make a summer camp. I was praying: God, please send us a helper for the camp who can speak English
Vicki received her long-awaited arm prosthesis
Vicki, a widow from South Sudan who currently lives with her four children in the “Bidi – Bidi” refugee camp in northern Uganda has finally received her long-awaited prosthesis!
Open Heart Ministry in Malawi
In 1964, Malawi gained its independence from the UK! About 17 million people live in this small African country in southeast Africa. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world.
Easter in Vietnam
Peace be with you friends, brothers and sisters! Thanks be to the Lord for having the opportunity to work with you here in Vietnam.
Kampala – Vicki is in the hospital
About 250,000 people live in the Bidi-Bidi refugee camp. This is one of the biggest camps in the world. Life in the camp is hard.
God sent us to Kyrgyzstan
The Lord decided that 8 years of my ministry in the “Transfiguration” church was enough. God gave peace to the church and He appointed a man who will be my successor.
Pastors with their wives
A local church in Moyo, Uganda, provided its premises for a family conference. About 40 pastors came with their wives and children, whom they could not leave alone in the camp.
God is Leading with His Mighty Hand
Our dear brothers and sisters, we would like to deeply thank you for your prayers about our Thailand prison ministry trip.
Why did Daniel die in the house?
Thank you for your kindness! We continue to communicate with Katya and her son Misha. Her emotional state is much better, Katya wants to live and no longer blames herself for the death of her son.
Christ to the people of Sudan!
Moyo – is a small town in northern Uganda! Once again, we stayed in the Catholic center for guests. On 3-4 May, our group went to the nearby refugee camps.
Lebanon – Ripe to Harvest
The refugees from Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon were looking forward to meeting with us. Hearing the melodious sounds of violins in an oriental flavor was a cherished dream of many kids, young people, and adults.
Katya lost her son Daniel
A few weeks ago, a woman asked us to help her friend. I contacted her by phone and was shocked by what I heard. On February 28, a fire broke out and Daniel, a boy six years old, died in the fire.
Lively Hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! Please accept our sincere gratitude for all of your financial support and especially for your prayers.
Ministry in Bethesda – Omsk
Peace and grace to you, dear friends and the church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Here is some information about me: my name is Eugene, I am 40 years old and married to Marina for 12 years.
Ministry to the elderly
Can you imagine living in a world with little understanding of what is going on around? Hear the sounds, words, not able to read on your own and speak a language that not many people around can understand?
Omsk – Testimony of life
Greetings to you brothers and sisters! I want to share with you the story of one girl. Twelve months ago, she called and asked if I could help